Everyone watched as Troia left with a huff, causing everyone to take a silent breath of relief. They all stayed silent, not wanting to disrupt the peace.

Rowan sighed and leaned back against the cabinet, "Go ahead, I know you have questions." She looked them all in their eyes, "No more secrets, promise."

"We all have secrets," Thor whispered, but no one heard except Rowan who squeezed his hand in response.

M'gann took a step forward, "Who was she?"

Thor decided to do the talking, "Her name was Valerie. She was my best friend."

Before any more could be said, Zatanna walked into the room with wide eyes and looked out of breath, "I know how to kill the gods."

Most of the team sat aboard the bio-ship. Rowan smiled slightly as the familiar seat belts formed around her body

Dick sat at the front next to her, "Okay here's the plan, Aqualad, Aquagirl, and Tempest are to fall approximately four hundred feet away from the island." The three Atlantians nodded, "On the furthest left of Themyscira, there is a waterfall with enough space to fit the Bio-ship. From there, there are the three teams. Omega is Rogue, KidFlash, and Flicker. Beta are Superboy, Topaz, and Artemis. Finally, Alpha is me, Miss Martian, Rocket, and Thor."

Rowan immediately shook her head, "Thor is with me."

"No," Dick shot down her train of thought, "It would be better if Thor was with me as he's a god and we'll be distracting them." The girl clenched her jaw in anger but didn't reply back.

"Team Omega will be going straight into the weapon room of the palace, trying to find it." He cleared his throat, "Team Beta will be going in through the south wing, from the village. You will need to blend in, so here." He tossed them white cloaks to wear with golden sandals."

Superboy instantly jolted his head, "I'm not wearing this."

Rowan rolled her eyes, "Don't be a little bitch boy. Just wear the shitty toga."



Dick groaned, "Both of you need to stop. We have a mission to do and we must not act like toddlers."

The two reluctantly nodded.

Once they finally landed on the island and the Atlantians have dropped out, everyone hopped off the ship. Rowan grabbed Thor's hand and squeezed it, "O' captain."

"My captain," Thor finished.

When Rowan first introduced the words to the boy, he was confused, until he cried while watching the movie. Now, it's their go-to every time. For them, it meant that they will see each other again, alive or dead. They will always make it back to each other, one way or another.

Dick spoke up, "Miss M, connect a mind link."

"Everyone in?"

The brunette groaned slightly, not missing the voice in her head, "Yes."

Dick smiled slightly, "Well, let's get this show on the road."

Rowan led Flicker and Wally toward the north wing of the palace where the weapon room was. The forest was humid and misty as they finally reached the end of it. The palace was unguarded as they probably didn't assume any trespassers would be there.

Flicker spoke up, "What are we gonna do?"

"Follow me."

"Like that always works."

"Shut up, KF." Rowan stealthily looked around, making sure nobody was around. She grabbed a grappling hook from her belt and smiled at the boys, "Hold on."

The two males grabbed her waist and tried not to scream as they got pulled up. Once they finally made it to the roof, Rowan pushed them off her. But, once she heard voices, she fell to the ground next to them.

Flicker was about to stand up, but Rowan held him down, "What?" The girl immediately put her hand over his mouth. Once the voices grew quieter, they all stood up slowly. Flicker smiled, "Well, guess we got lucky—"

"Get them!" All their eyes grew wide as they watched the women warriors with spears charge at them.

Wally shouted, "I hate you so much, Flicker." 


Rowan didn't care where they went off to as a woman ran at her with a spear, but the girl dodged, "Sorry, I kinda gave up on spears for a while."

"Guys, they, uhm, found us," Flicker's voice spoke in their minds.

Dick spoke up, "Is that why we are quite literally in ropes right now?" He had a bite at the end of his words, only describing how angry he was at the moment.

"If only Flicker—"

"No snitching, KF."

Rowan dodged once more and then rushed after her. She faked a left jab and then punched the warrior in the face. The blonde woman let out a war cry as she tackled Rogue to the ground. A series of punches landed on her face.

"I heard of you, Abaddon." The woman leaned in closer to her face, "The bringer of chaos, but all you are is a weak—" She didn't have time to finish as Rowan hit her head to the crown of the warriors. The guard groaned slightly, but Rowan used it to her advantage as she switched positions where Rowan was on top, straddling the other woman.

"I'm a weak ass for not killing you sooner, I know." Rowan wasted no time in using her right hook to knock her unconscious. The girl stood up and watched the other two fighting other warriors. She spit blood out of the side of her mouth and as she was about to join the fight, a wooden trap-door caught her eye.

Without thinking, Rowan rushed toward the door, dodging arrows and spears. Just a few feet away, she slid down to the floor, getting a closer look at it. The girl knew that there was no lock as how else would they get on the roof?

She pulled it open and immediately jumped down, finding herself growing goosebumps at how cold the room was. Rowan looked around at the lighted-up room, to find absolutely nothing. Sure, there was spears, bows, and other type of weapons, but none that she was looking for. 

"It is not here," Rowan's head whipped around to find another blonde woman, but this one grew wrinkles from old age. She wore gold armor and a sword at her side.

Rowan tilted her head, "Why should I trust you?"

"I would have given it to you," Rogue's eyebrows furrowed in confusion, "I do not understand the god's ways in many things and I especially do not agree with them on this."


The older woman sighed with a small smile, "Everyone has different morals, Abaddon. Even an old hag like myself who looks set in her way, but trust me, I am not. I know what the gods are planning on doing."

Rowan swallowed harshly, "What do you want me to do?"

"Kill them," Her face grew stoic, "Kill them all."

ROGUE| DICK GRAYSONWhere stories live. Discover now