Still shutting down my brain because it wants to reply inappropriate things you'd share with your male friends"

"Right, because boys will always be bad boys 🥱"

"We are! Give us a few drinks and we get nasty with the comments"

"Who? You? Last week you ate a hot dog with a fork and a knife because you were embarrassed 😂😂"

"That's a professional secret! Shush 🤫"

"Come on Georgie, you aren't a bad boy, accept it! 😂"

"It's the meat on the outside that might help your case"


"Not such a good boy now, huh? 😌"

"I'm trying so hard not to disarm myself laughing at the supermarket, I'm grocery shopping for Pete's sake! 😂😂"

"Whoops, sorry about that! 🤭
But you asked for it!"

"No I didn't! And least of all right across the vegetable section, with all the cucumbers in front of me!"

"😂😂😂 wait that's hilarious"

"Not it's not, I'm all red now, the lady beside me now probably thinks I'm some kind of sick minded prude"

"Grab a few and show her you're not!"

"And how on earth would that work? 😳"

"Wouldn't know, don't have experiences with cucumbers 🙃"

"Shut up, I feel uncomfortable still standing in front of them giggling at my phone 😂😂"

"Okay then let's change the subject so you can shop in peace.
Could you do me a favour?"

"Ta. What is it?"

"I don't know if I will get time to pick up my own groceries tomorrow, could you pretty please pick me some up? 🥹🥹🥹🥹
Promise to pay back and it won't be a lot!"

Fine, remember I'm one tiny person who can't carry a million bags so be moderate. What do you need?"

"Well... cucumbers 😂"

"Be serious! I will look so weird going back there now 😂"

"It's true! 😂
Cucumbers, a few apples, bananas and some tuna would be nice, please 😌"

"Okay, I'm on it 👌🏻"

"Thanks ☺️
Ohhh and some nuts too!"

"You talk all about your meat but you don't have nuts, that's a huge miss Georgie 🤭🤭🤭"

"Ohhhhh you're good with the dirty jokes, I had that one coming 😂😂😂😂"

"Really? With no nuts? Impressive 😂😂"

"You took this task seriously miss, I have to recognise game there 👏🏻😂"

"Thank you, thank you 😌"

"Do you need money for the groceries? I can transfer you now"

"No G, it's fine 👌🏻"

"Okay, will pay back tomorrow then!
Are you done? If you don't find everything it's okay, I can pick it up later"

"Got everything with me, don't worry!
I'm home already, heating up some dinner and then to bed 🥱

"At my parents', we're having dinner! I was just helping mum with some stuff recently"

"And I was there throwing dirty jokes at you?! 🫣🫣
How did you let me do that!!!!!!"

Relax, mum doesn't check my phone at nights anymore 😂"

"You're a menace, George William Russell."

"And you just figured that out? 😌"

"Had some hope for you 😫"

"I'm still salvageable, I can cook! 🥺"

"That's a good skill, I will have to test that"

"Tomorrow then, you bring work, I cook dinner!"

"Sounds good! 🤭
Now I'm going to bed Georgie, enjoy your dinner and have a safe flight tomorrow ☺️"

"Thank you, will text you when I'm there!"

"Remember tomorrow is the Glamour shooting! I almost forgot 😱"

"Yeah, with 'there' I meant at the location 🙃
Want me to pick you up?"

"If you can then it would be great but if you can't I will take my car!"

"Nonsense, we go together then!"

"Thank you G!
Goodnight ☺️"

"Sweet dreams x"

"George! Are you here with us?"

"What? Sorry, just zoned out," George apologised with a smile.

"What has you smiling like that? Your sister just arrived, go open the gate please?" Alison Russell spoke, giggling at her son.

George chuckled. "Just the boys, banter as usual," he said and went to open the door.

"Not his banter face, that one," Steve commented.

"Oh I know, the boy is onto something..." George's mum said.

"Remember when he liked that girl that raced against him in formula 4? He had the same face whenever she talked to him."

"It's like he's 16 again," she giggled.

"Shhh here they come!" His father murmured and turned to his family coming into the house for dinner, seeing George had that same twinkle in his eye from his teen years.

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