Bonus Chapter

373 14 1

Savannah's POV

It's been four years since my life changed for the better, at first it wasn't all sweet, at a point I hated my life but looking back now, I wouldn't change a thing.

I was looking at my son from where I stood and my heart was filled with Joy, he was playing in the living room while I was trying to get ice cream for myself.

Tony was upstairs working, he didn't want to leave my sight because I was due any moment.
Yep you guess right, I'm looking like a huge whale right now, I was pregnant with our second child.

Unlike Rhys, I didn't let us check the gender, I wanted it to be a surprise.
Tony and I tired the knot when Rhys turned 1, which was two years ago, he was currently 3 years old.

The day I married him was the best day of my life, he was the most attractive and handsome man I ever set my eyes on.
3 years and I still feel like it was yesterday when we confessed our love for each other.

Our story was one of so many obstacles but in the end, we came out stronger and I'm grateful for that, I can't be any happier about how we turned out

I had the ice cream I wanted and the spoon I wanted to use just fell down, I can't pick it because I can't even see my knees, let alone bend down.

"Rhys honey, can you come help mommy here" I called out to my son, he quickly dropped his toy and came running towards me.

"Help mommy pick up that spoon" I showed him, he went to pick it and I felt something cold trail my legs and wet my dress

"Mommy you peed yourself" Rhys squealed, but little guy doesn't understand it's not pee, my water just broke.

"Baby it's not one, you remember what daddy told you about your brother or sister coming" I asked him breathlessly and he nodded "well your brother or sister is here and you need to go get daddy okay"? He nodded and quickly ran upstairs.

I could already feel the contractions hitting me but I was trying to put up a strong font, I hear rushing footsteps down the stairs and I see Tony emerge sweating, he was carrying the bag we had prepared for a time like this.

"Rhys, take this go over to the car and strap yourself in, you remember what daddy told you right"? He breath out and Rhys nodded, taking the car keys and running outside

He walked up to me and held me up.


Everyone was wrong, they say the first time is the first but nope the second is a bitch, I'm currently in the hospital raining fire.

My whole body was on fire
"Tony I'm never gonna let you touch me again"!! I yelled out following another contraction.

He was just there soothing me by rubbing my back.

"I love you baby" he says cooing into my ears trying to distract me

"I hate you"!!! I seethe out to him giving him a hard glare

"Mrs Walker you have to push hard, I can see the head" the doctor said, I almost forgot he was there.

Easy for him to say, I grind my teeth and give a hard push, this baby better come out, I hear baby crying, I raise my head and see the doctors holding the child

I don't feel light like I did with Rhys

"You have a baby boy" the doctor say letting Tony cut his cord, I'm still trying to get a look at my son when I feel another sharp pain that makes me screech loud

"I think there's another baby" I breath out trying to hold on.

The doctor bends down to my private area as Tony walks back to hold my hand

"Yes, I can see the head, it would seem you're having twins Mr Walker"

"Oh no, I can't do it, Tony take me home" I say getting up

"Baby you have to, please, Rhys wants to meet his siblings" he tells me letting me grip his hands.

I just glare at him hard "you're not the one lying down here so I suggest you shut the fuck up Tony" I snap at him.

Two push later and my baby girl is out, finally.
They bring them both to me, I'm exhausted but I still manage to hold on so I can look at their face

The nurse walks in "do you have a name for them"? She asks, I look at Tony and he just gives me a smile.

"Elaine Lea Walker" he says looking at my baby girl with a loving look.

"Tristan Lucas Walker" I say looking at my baby boy and then at Tony to see him looking at us lovingly.

Just then the door open to  reveal mom and a very energetic Rhys running towards us.

"Mommy" he squeaked out

"Hey baby" he got on the bed with me with the help of Tony "meet your baby brother and sister" I tell him, he looks at Tristan and then at Elaine.

"They look so Tiny mommy" he say with surprise.

"I know baby but they're gonna grow big like you some day" I tell him with a smile.

He keeps on staring at my babies and I can see the love and adoration in Tony's eyes.

This is all I ever wanted.
A loving husband, beautiful kids and a happy family.

I feel immense pride and joy swell in my heart
They're my life and I'd do anything for them.

I just wanted to add this bonus chapter
I know short 😩😩😩

Faded (Walker Series Book 1)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin