Chapter 11

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Super duper short chapter ☺️😩😩 sorry

Alex's POV

It's as if someone poured cold water on my whole existence, I stop abruptly.
What I feared the most, my fiance carrying my brother's child.

Ever since that night, I've not been myself.
After Tony left with her in his arms to the hospital, I just sat down there with nothing to do or say.

Mom and Dad came a few hours later and they tried to get me to talk but I just couldn't, she's my very existence and I had to watch him..... Fuck just thinking of it is killing me.

Yes I had been avoiding her for the past on month, I mean who wouldn't?
Ever since that night I can't stand to see her, I still love her, hell I want to hold her and never let go but I can't.

He touched her, he promised he wouldn't touch her but he did.
Everyone was all about how Savannah was hurting but no one bothered to check how I was fairing.

I am the one who had to watch my brother fuck my fiance. I'm trying not to blame him but it's hard.

And now looking at both of them standing there I feel like the odd one.

Now she's pregnant for him, bloody hell.
I turn around and I'm met with her tears stricken face.

"I'm pregnant Alex" she repeats this time louder.
Of course I know it's his and it kills me even more

"How far long are you"? I ask trying to keep my voice steady even though it's proving impossible.

"A month but I swear I just found out about a week ago" she says trying to convince me. "I'm keeping it Alex"

The hell she's gonna keep it "No"!! I voice out

"What"? Both she and Tony ask simultaneously.

"No" I repeat this time walking further into the room.

"What do you mean no"?

"I mean Savannah you're not keeping it, were engaged for fucks sake and you want to keep another man's child might I add this man is my elder brother" I'm losing my shit and she needs to know.

"I wasn't asking you Alex" she's trying to fucking get on my nerves, I may be the quiet one facially but my temper is very bad when need be. "Besides you've been doing a good job at being my fiance this past month" she says sarcastically and rolls her eyes at me

Tony isn't saying anything, just watching beside her and it makes me wanna punch someone.

"Savannah you're my fiance and I'm fucking telling you, you're not keeping it" I yell.

"You have no right to tell me what to do after ignoring me for a whole month" she seethes.

"Savannah you're not keeping his child" I say pointing to Tony with venom in my voice.

"You don't have to yell at her like that Alex" God I hate how calm he is right now trying to make me look bad.

"Stay out of this Brother" I snap at him.

"Alex please understand me and just don't make this any hard that it already is for me" Savannah says calmly coming close to me.

"No Savannah, you can't keep it" I say shaking my head.

"Why"? She asks with tears streaming down her face.

"Drop it Savannah" I definitely don't wanna tell her why I think it's a bad idea to keep my brother's child.

"No Alex, I'm not dropping it until you tell me" her voice a tad higher than before, "you can't just ask me to kill this child and not tell me why, you're better than that" she's really pushing my buttons.

"You really wanna know don't you"? I ask taunting her

"Alex don't" this time it's Tony interrupting me

"No Tony allow me to do the honors, you broke your promise so why can't I"? I ask giving him a smirk.

I can see Savannah looking at both of us with confusion written all over her face.

"Alex you promised" Tony says pleading with his eyes.

"You promised you wouldn't touch her yet you did" I said raising my voice.

"I had no choice"!!! He yelled his voice higher

"What the fuck are you both on about"? Savannah asks looking back and forth at both of us.

"You asked why you can't keep his child, well here's why Savannah...." He cut me off again

"Alex don't"

I give a lopsided smirk "He's in love with you and I can't let you keep his child because as much as he tries not to act on it with a child between the both of you it'll happen some day" I say trying to calm myself "what will happen to us"? My emotions are surfacing and I can't let them see it.

Savannah looks shocked and unmoving, I can't tell if she heard me at all but I know she did.

"So until you decide what to do, I'll be at my place. Goodbye Savvy" with that I make my way outside the house and into my car.

My hands are shaking, as much as I'm trying to hide it, it hurts like hell not being able to hold her.
I don't know which hurts the most, watching my brother touch her or knowing she's pregnant for him and wants to keep it.

I love Savannah and to hell I don't even know what to do right now.
I look at the ring on my finger, she gave to me when we started dating as a gift.

My heart breaks into a million pieces as I drive out of the house because I know my decision will hurt her but I have to do it.

If I don't do it, I might end up hurting her, myself and Tony.

I don't blame Tony, honestly but I can't help feeling angry and helpless when I think of it.
It's no one's fault but it makes me feel like even more shit.

As I drive out I resolve to doing what I have in mind, I'm sorry Savannah but I have to do this for both of us.

I know short chapter, but it's for y'all to have an insight on Alex's thoughts on what happened.

Now she knows how Tony feels about her, you think that will really change things?

What do you think Lexy boy will do?

Faded (Walker Series Book 1)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें