Chapter 17

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Savannah's POV

"You have got to be kidding me" Tony rasps out looking exhausted and frustrated.

I just give him a pout and try to look adorable even though I look like shit after hours of cooking.

"So what are you now craving for"? He asks trying to contain his frustration.

"Nothing, I just wanna watch movies and eat popcorn" I say pouting and plopping down on one of the chairs in the dinning.

"So who's gonna eat all this"? he asks gesturing to the food on the kitchen island.

"You of course, aren't you hungry"? I feign innocence.

He wants to say something but he just closes his mouth back and walk out of the kitchen living me there feeling a tad guilty.

Okay let me explain what happened, we spent thirty minutes getting the ingredients for the rice, well I spent thirty minutes in the car waiting for Tony to get them.

We got back home and started cooking it, the kitchen isn't really my fortress and Tony was having a hard time cooking with a pregnant me hovering around him like a hawk.

So we spent another extra one hour just to cook the rice and here we are an hour and thirty minutes later with our rice perfectly cooked but I'm no longer craving it.

So you can understand why Tony sounds frustrated, but it's not my fault that I no longer crave it, it took too long to cook. You can't blame a pregnant woman with crazy hormones as mine.

I slowly get up and walk out of the kitchen too in search of a frustrated Tony.

I walk round the house for a minute or two before I decide to go check on the extra room which I turned into a make shift study, because I'm sure he'll be there.

I open the door and peek my head inside and indeed on the chair is a tired looking Tony sitting down, I walk inside and close the door behind me.

"Don't you want to watch the movie with me"? I ask pouting and plopping down in the chair opposite his own.

He doesn't answer, he just looks at me with a bored expression and I roll my eyes.

"Stop acting like a kid, it's just an hour of hard work, it's not as if you spent the whole day doing hard labor"

"Anna you made me cook you rice for an hour and you suddenly don't wanna eat it anymore, how is that okay"? He asks obviously tired

I scrunch my nose up "hey I didn't make you cook it, you offered to cook it remember? Don't put this on me"

"You know asides the time wasted, the food's gonna go to waste also" he asks raising his eyebrows at me

"Of course it's not gonna waste, you'll eat it and who knows my cravings for rice might come back" I shrug

"Come on stop being a Sour Nancy and let's watch this movie, sulking doesn't suit you" I get up dragging him with me.

He chuckles lightly at my comment "you know it's called Nasty Nancy and not Sour Nancy right"?

"Whatever helps you sleep at night Tony" I know he's shaking his head even though I have my back to him, with the smile on my face I drag him with me to the living room to fulfill my craving for horror movies and popcorn.


"There's something I want to tell you but when we get back home" Tony says his hands on the steering and his focus on the road

We're going to the family mansion, Samuel is home for the holidays, something that rarely happens.

It's been a week since our rice saga and I've been on edge around Tony because he promised to pay me back for making him cook rice and we had to throw it away.

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