Chapter 24

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Tony's POV

I'm driving back to the hospital after getting food for Anna, to say I'm excited will be an understatement, I feel over the moon.

Holding Rhys in my arms earlier today gave me an amount of joy I had never experienced in my life, and to think Anna is his mother.

I can't believe I'm a father, it's seems so surreal thinking about it.

Thoughts of telling Alex has crossed my mind but I don't know if it's a good idea to tell him his fiance just gave birth to my child

Does he still consider her his fiance? Since he left and we've talked on phone he's never asked after her.

I know he loves her, I can tell he's trying so hard not to ask about her.
I don't know if Anna even wants him to know she has given birth.

I make a mental note to text him about it, although a call would have been better but I don't want us to drift farther apart than we already have.

Now that she's given birth, which way for us. Was there even ever an 'us'? all these thoughts cloud my mind.

She has a life and I cant expect her to just magically give it away because she birthed my child.

We'll cross that bridge when we get to it for now let me bask in the happiness and excitement of fatherhood.

I can't wait to hold Rhys again in my arms, he looks just as adorable as his mom, I know people say it's hard to tell who a child looks like between his mom and dad In the first few weeks but I can already tell Rhys is going to look like his mother.


I open the door to her Ward and peek my head Inside, I see Mom playing and cooing with Rhys while Anna is fast asleep, she must me tired.

I walk in and drop the food I brought on the bedside table careful not to wake her up.

I walk over to Mom's side and give her a side hug.

"Hey baby, how are you doing"? She asks while still playing with Rhys.

I just smile and the both of them "I'm fine mom, I can see you don't want to let him out of your sight and reach"

She just laughs and continue playing with him, I look at him and only now I wish we had this child under different circumstances.

If only Anna wasn't in love with my brother, would we have stood a chance at being together?

I guess I'll never know now.

"Are you okay"? She asks me looking concerned

"I'm fine mom" I smile at her

"Have you spoken to your brother lately"? She asks setting Rhys back in his small cot.

"Yes I called Samuel two days ago mom"

"I'm not talking about Samuel, Tony have you spoken to Alex lately"? She asks again looking at me fully.

I just shake my head in a no

"You know he's still your brother right"? She asks "don't just turn your back on him, no matter what happens you're family"

"I know Mom, I'm not the one who turned my back on him, he's the one who turned his back on us all" I say trying not to get angry.

It's has always been like this, Alex will do something and I'd take the fall for it, one time I asked my dad why and he said "because you're the eldest, everything your siblings do that isn't right, you take the blame for it because they follow you and not the other way round"

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