Losing You

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The moon smiled,

the sun twinkled,

but both were envious

of your stardust soul.

Grace's pov

"I'm such a huge fan of yours. Your smile lights up my world." a girl gushed. I smiled adoringly at the Army girl in front of me as I signed her album with flair. We just had our concert and were holding a fan meeting.

"Aw, thank you so much. That means a lot." she grinned broadly as she walked to Jimin next.

I saw the way the girl gazed at Jimin and knew instantly he was her bias; smirking I leaned over and whispered, "Ooh, this girl likes you." a teasing smile was on my lips.

He rolled his eyes as he faced the girl again, "Just ignore her. She does that all the time." the poor girl's face was already red from my comment.

Feeling someone staring at me, I glanced to the side and saw Jungkook look away quickly, signing a guy's album. My thoughts went to a conversation Faith and I had just the week before.


Laughing, I said goodbye to Jungkook as he walked away from the park table Faith and I were sitting at. He looked back one more time and smiled warmly at me, a veiled expression hidden in his doe brown eyes. Waving enthusiastically, a huge grin on my face, making him chuckle before turning away.

When I looked back at Faith, she was giving me an odd look, one I couldn't define. "Grace, is there something between you and him?"

Giving her a confused look, "Of course not. You know that. There will never be anything between us, Faith. We're born in the same galaxy but not the same constellation. "

She tilted her head at me, "Things have changed, Grace."

"What do you mean? For me? Well, yeah I guess you could say that. I've accepted we could never work."

"For Jungkook, I mean."

Her words hit me like a truck, "What are you talking about? He's the same Jungkook he's always been."

"Oh, Grace. How could you not see? Things changed for him after he came home."


"After the party. He has feelings for you, Grace."

"That's not true." I argued, unable to believe what I was hearing.

She took hold of my hand and squeezed, "You have a chance for real love, girl. Grab onto it and don't let go!"

"There's no way he has feelings for me, Faith. It's impossible." I wrapped my arms around myself tightly.

She gazed into my eyes, before questioning softly, "What if." she paused for a moment before continuing. "He stares at you every time you look away."


What if what she said was true? I questioned myself as the guy went down the line, and handed Namjoon his album. I saw him glance back at Jungkook with a look of sheer hatred. There was a dark look on his features, frightening me tremendously. As he took another step closer, I got the sense of something malevolent, chills running down my spine. My eyes never left his face as I convinced myself he was having an off day but still came because he didn't want to waste money.

When he came to me though, there was an unveiled look of disgust and rage in his eyes. Shaken, I took his album from his outstretched hands, my fingers brushing his, sending shivers through my body. His gaze never left me, boring holes through my head. "Will you be mine?" the man asked darkly, making my head come up sharply. I heard a chair scrap back and saw Jungkook stand up warily in the corner of my eyes

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