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The moment I saw you, you took my breath away...You still do, everyday.

Grace's pov

Sighing, I tossed my purse and keys onto my dresser, humming as I danced across the room. I felt like I was walking on air; I was on cloud nine. Throwing my body onto my bed, I stared up at the ceiling and touched my lips, the memory of Jungkook's lips on mine not long ago causing a smile to touch them. Rolling over onto my side, I grabbed my journal and opened my nightstand drawer for a pen. Reaching in, I found the desired pen and opened my journal.

I've gone through several journals since I moved to Korea all those years ago. I was just sixteen when I met Namjoon, Jimin, and the others, starry-eyed at the idea of fame and fortune. It wasn't long before the hardships of being a celebrity kicked in and I grew up fast. Journaling was one of my ways to escape from the reality of life for just a moment. I could write down whatever I wanted; it was also an easy way to pray, easier than voicing my thoughts aloud. Sometimes I pick up one of my old journals and read them as a reminder of how far I've come.

Smiling, I bent my legs up in the air, swaying them back and forth as I started to write.


Journal entry:

I'm on cloud nine, and I feel as if I might never come down. Why, you might be asking, why am I on cloud nine?

The answer is quite surprising: Jungkook kissed me today.

Yes, he kissed me. It was unlike anything I've ever imagined. It felt like it was just him and I in the world. I realized it didn't matter what anyone else said about me and Jungkook. Joy and a lifetime of happiness with the man I love is something so much greater and valuable than what someone else thinks. I don't know what will happen from here but what I do know is: Nothing will ever separate Jungkook and I again.


Closing the journal and putting it in its proper place, returning the pen back into my drawer, I laid there for a moment, pondering what to do next. Realizing I was still wearing my dance clothes and I had coffee soaked clothes in my bag to be washed, I got up and set about doing that.

Opening the bag, I pulled out the clothes and grimaced at the large brown stain on my shirt and pants. Exiting my bedroom and walking across the apartment to the utility room, I sprayed the stains and scrubbed them before throwing them in the washing machine along with my other dirty clothes. Adding detergent and starting the load, I walked back to my room to change out of my dance clothes.

Deciding to change into a pair of pajamas, I rummaged through my dresser and pulled out a pineapple printed pajama set. Quickly changing and sliding on my fuzzy slippers, I hummed for a moment, tapping my chin. "What to do. What to do." I said aloud.

Eyes landing on my bookshelf, I determined that I would read a book for a little while. Walking over to the shelf, I ran my finger of the spines of the books until I reached the desired one. Taking it off the shelf, I walked to my window seat. I also hung sheer light pink curtains that I would close whenever I wanted some privacy, letting everyone know I wanted to be left alone.

I sat down on the cushioned space and leaned back against the pillows. Before opening the book, I pulled the curtains closed and pulled up my blinds. I then opened my book and commenced reading. I've read this particular book about six or seven times, so it's already starting to show the signs of being well loved. I never give my books away unless they are falling apart. No matter how many times I read a book, I'm always just as interested as I was the first time I read it.

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