The Ellen Show

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His eyes, stole my heart.

His smile, gave me life.

His presence, made me high.

His existence, made me breathless.

Grace's pov

"Alright, guys! We have some very special guest here today, who have actually been here before, but they are again!" I heard Ellen say from backstage. "It's B-T-S!" the audience went wild with screams and cheers as all of us jogged on stage. There were two couches and a bunch of chairs for all of us to sit.

"Welcome back guys." Ellen said with a smile, gesturing for all of us to sit down. Jungkook, Abby, and I took up one couch with Jungkook in the middle.

"So, I see you have some new additions to the band. Would you like to introduce yourselves to the viewers?" Ellen asked.

Namjoon went first, "Hi, I'm Kim Namjoon, the leader of BTS."

"Hi, I'm Min Yoongi."

"Hi, I'm your hope, you're my hope, I'm J-Hope."

"Hi, I'm Kim Taehyung."

"Hi, I'm Kim Seokjin, world wide handsome." I rolled my eyes at Jin.

"Hi, I'm Park Jimin."

"Hi, I'm Choi Minji."

"I'm Hwang Yunji."

"I'm Park Jisoo."

"I'm Faith Johnson"

"I'm Abby Brown."

"I'm Darianna Smith."

"I'm Grace Jones." I said with a wave.

"Hi, I'm Jeon Jungkook." Jungkook said with a bunny smile.

"Wow, that was a lot of names." Ellen exclaimed. "So, I have some questions for you guys."

"Okay, shoot." Namjoon said.

"So, I noticed how ARMYs have ship names for you guys."

We all nodded, "Right." Namjoon replied.

"I couldn't help but notice that the most popular one was #jojeon ." she looked at Jungkook and I. "So, are you and Jungkook dating or something?" she asked. All of the ARMYs in the audience immediately shouted, protesting vehemently that we weren't dating.

I turned red and Jungkook didn't respond until the translator spoke. His eyes went wide and he immediately put his hands up in protest, "Oh, no no no. Grace and I, we no dating." his accent showing.

She nodded, "Oh okay. Now, girls how was it moving into your own apartments in Seoul?" she turned to us girls.

"It was very exciting for us. We say apartments look amazing." Minji answered in broken English.

"Yes, very much so." Yunji agreed.

"Yeah, whenever Abby and I got our boxes from the Texas, they were heavier than I remembered, so I had to have Namjoon and Jungkook's help." I said.

Namjoon leaned forward, "One of Grace's boxes was extremely heavy. I could barely lift it. I remember asking if she packed bricks in there, and Grace, what was your reply?"

I was looking back at him as he was saying this, and I turned back to answer, "I said, 'Yes Namjoon. I totally just shipped a bunch of bricks halfway across the world." the audience and Ellen roared with laughter.

"Wow, that was really sarcastic. How did Namjoon react?" she asked.

"Oh, his iconic 'done' look came across his face." and then, his done look appeared as I said that. "See what I'm talking about?" I pointed at him.

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