Troublemaker Cat

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Pardofelis, the thieving and mischievous cat girl, found herself in a bit of a predicament as she accidentally caused a small explosion in Mobius' lab. As the capsules dropped one by one, about to hit the ground, Pardofelis knew she had to act quickly.

"Oh no..." Pardofelis muttered, her eyes widening in panic. She immediately started running away from the impending danger, hoping to escape the explosions unscathed.

Meanwhile, Mobius heard the explosions from her lab and rolled her eyes in exasperation. She knew exactly who was responsible for the chaos unfolding before her. Grabbing Klein, her loyal assistant, she dashed out of the lab, determined to catch up with Pardofelis.

"This is the second time! The last time was a failed experiment, and now it's all Pardofelis' fault," Mobius grumbled to herself, her frustration evident.

As Pardofelis continued to run, she couldn't help but feel guilty. She called Mobius "big sister" out of respect, as Mobius was older and more experienced than her. "I'm sorry, big sister Mobius!" Pardofelis shouted, her voice filled with genuine remorse.

However, Mobius was too focused on catching up to Pardofelis to respond. Her expression turned ten times angrier as she chased after the young troublemaker, determined to make her face the consequences of her actions.

The chase went on, with Pardofelis desperately apologizing and Mobius hot on her heels. It was a chaotic scene, filled with explosions and the sound of their footsteps echoing through the halls.

Eventually, Mobius managed to catch up with Pardofelis, her anger still evident in her expression. Pardofelis stopped in her tracks, panting heavily, and braced herself for what was to come.

But to her surprise, instead of scolding her, Mobius let out a sigh. She realized that Pardofelis was genuinely sorry for her actions, even if her mischievous nature often got the better of her.

"Fine, Pardofelis. Just promise me you'll be more careful next time," Mobius said, her voice a mixture of annoyance and understanding.

Pardofelis nodded eagerly, relieved that she had escaped a more severe punishment. From that day forward, she made an effort to be more cautious in the lab, understanding the consequences of her actions.

And although Mobius still had her moments of frustration with Pardofelis, deep down, she couldn't deny the bond they shared as MANTIS members. They were a team, after all, and sometimes even the most chaotic members had their place within it.

To be continued...

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