Explosive Runaway

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Mobius, the devious and snake-like MANTIS scientist, was in the middle of some dangerous experiments when disaster struck. One of her vials dropped and exploded, setting off a chain reaction that spread throughout her entire lab.

Panicked, Mobius looked around frantically for a way out. She knew that if she didn't act fast, the whole place would go up in flames.

Without hesitation, she grabbed her little assistant, Klein, and pulled her along as they made a mad dash for the exit.

As they ran, Mobius couldn't help but curse her luck. She had spent months working on these experiments, and now they were all going up in smoke. And to top it all off, she was stuck with Klein, the most annoying and incompetent assistant she had ever had. 

(Author: yes i know, but remember this is an AU)

But as they burst through the doors of the lab, Mobius felt a sense of relief wash over her. They had made it out just in time.

Turning to Klein, Mobius couldn't help but smile. Despite all of her flaws, Klein had been a loyal and brave assistant in the face of danger. And even though their lab was destroyed, Mobius knew that they would come out of this stronger than ever.

With a mischievous glint in her eye, Mobius turned to Klein and said, "Well, that was certainly a memorable experiment. Let's see what kind of trouble we can get into next, shall we?"

Klein just rolled her eyes and muttered something about needing a new job, but Mobius knew that deep down, she was just as excited as she was. After all, when you're a devious and snake-like scientist, every day is an adventure.

To be Continued....

Hope this is enjoyable!

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