Elysia and her trips~

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As Elysia walked along the path to her mission, she suddenly stumbled on something and almost fell. She looked down and saw nothing there, so she thought it must have been a minor accident and continued on her way.

However, it wasn't long before she tripped again, and then again, and again. Elysia began to feel frustrated and embarrassed as she stumbled repeatedly along the path. She wondered if she was losing her balance or if something was wrong with her legs.

Suddenly, she heard a faint honking sound coming from behind her. She turned around and saw a group of ducks waddling in a line, and she realized that she had been tripping on their webbed feet as they walked along the same path.

Feeling a mix of relief and amusement, Elysia laughed at the ridiculousness of the situation and apologized to the ducks for not watching where she was going. The ducks honked back in response, as if to say "no worries!" and waddled on their way.

From then on, Elysia made sure to keep an eye out for any animal friends who might be sharing her path, and she never tripped again on their adorable little feet.

As Elysia continued on her missions, her tripping mishaps and lost crystal bow incidents became a running joke among her fellow Valkyries. They even started placing bets on how many times she would trip or lose her weapon during a mission.

One time, they were in the middle of a fierce battle with a group of Honkai beasts when Elysia suddenly let out a loud curse. Her teammates turned to her, expecting the worst, only to find out that she had once again lost her crystal bow.

"Elysia, how could you lose your bow in the middle of a battle?!" asked one of her teammates, trying to hold back a laugh.

"Well, it's not like I did it on purpose," Elysia replied sheepishly, "I think it slipped out of my hand when I tripped over that rock."

The other Valkyries burst out laughing, unable to contain themselves at the absurdity of the situation. Even the Honkai beasts seemed to pause for a moment, as if they were also amused by Elysia's predicament.

Despite the constant tripping and losing of her weapon, Elysia never lost her spirit or determination. She always managed to get back on her feet and fight with everything she had, even if she had to do it with just her bare hands.

In the end, her clumsiness and quirks only made her more endearing to her teammates, and they knew that they could always count on her to bring a smile to their faces in even the toughest of battles.

to be continued....

yeah that is pretty much it, just scenes and funny moments of this other AU nothing wild like crossovers and that, just people with unfortunate funny lives.

Honkai AccidentsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora