Chapter Fourteen: Awakening

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There was a burning pain in my head as Quinn lays me on the couch, zipping up his pants as he sits down beside me. I hear him humming silently to himself as he taps his feet. The pain in my head was moving down south, filling my body with painful light. The deed was done. Quinn had taken my virginity after knocking me out, I was sure of it.

"Don't worry," I hear Quinn say, leaning towards me. "The pain will lessen."

And finally, after what felt like an eternity, it did. I opened my eyes to find Quinn leaning over me, a soft look in his eyes. If it weren't for the red pupils - or the fact that he had just raped me - I would have thought he was a good person.

"What do you want?" I snap.

"Feisty aren't you?" Quinn laughs. "I originally came here for my fiancé Athena, but finding a baby Incubus just made it even better."

Baby Incubus?

The door crashes open and I look up to see Athena standing at the door, a look of anger in her green eyes. Next to her was a silver wolf and behind her were the Power Rangers.

Wait - is that the host club?

"Athena darling," Quinn says, standing up. "It's so good to see you!"

Athena runs towards Quinn and throws him across the room. Quinn hits the wall hard with a loud crunch and he slid down, rubbing his head. He stood up and Athena stalked over to him again and punched him in the face. A loud crack filled the room, and I could tell that Athena had broken his nose.


I looked over to see someone in a blue Power Ranger suit bending over me and I knew it was Hikaru.

"What the hell are you wearing?" I asked as Hikaru pulled me up. The others came over, plus the wolf, and I couldn't tell who was which. Honey was obvious because he was the shortest, but the others I couldn't tell.

"We are the Host Rangers," the green one - which I realised was Tamaki - said. "We are at your service."

"That's just stupid," I say. Tamaki goes to sit in his Corner of Woe.

"Um Tono, now isn't the time to do that," Hikaru says, and Tamaki jumps up, walking back over to us.

"Than let's go," Tamaki says, grabbing my arm and pulling me towards the door.

"But what about Athena?"

"She can help herself."

I look back over my shoulder at Athena to see her throw Quinn across the room. Quinn landed on a table and slid across it, breaking a lot of cups and tea cups on the way. His lip was swallow and he was bleeding from a cut above his eye, but he was laughing. Athena had grabbed a cake knife and was now threatening Quinn with it. She pushed it against Quinn's neck, blood dripping down from under it. The host club were pulling me out of the room, and I only heard one thing before the door closed. "I love you Athena."

The host club and I ran down the corridor but a sudden pain in my head caused me to stop, collapsing against a wall and sliding down it. Someone was holding me up as my vision swam, and I could barely see the blue suit in front of me.

"What's going on?" I heard Haruhi ask.

"I have no idea," Hikaru answers. "Kaoru, keep your eyes on me."

I look up at the figure in front of me and squinted, trying to see who it was.

"Out of my way boy," a slightly familiar voice says. I look up and can see something blue. "Just as I thought. He needs Chi."

Something warm touched my lips and I found myself kissing it back, cupping the head of the person as I sucked in the warm blue light from its mouth. My vision rightened itself to reveal Caitlyn kneeling in front of me, her gold eyes staring at me in concern. The others were staring at me as well. I looked into Caitlyn's eyes and saw myself reflected in them: my eyes were a luminous blue, like Athena's and Quinn's. I am now a full Incubus.

"What are you doing here?" I question Caitlyn as I stand up, Caitlyn following. Caitlyn's Chi has given me more strength than ever. I felt as if I could do anything I wanted. I felt as if I were invincible.

"Enzo called me," Caitlyn answers.


"That would be me."

I turned to see a boy a year older than me with silver hair and gold eyes that wasn't there a minute ago. He had a scar over his right eye that made look kind of bad ass. The wolf wasn't there anymore so I had the feeling that the boy was a Werewolf or something. Caitlyn pulled out a thick black book that reminded me of Kyouya's black book and turned a couple of pages before dropping to her knees, running her blue hands across the page as she chanted. Enzo covered my eyes as Caitlyn stopped, and after Enzo moved his hand off my face I was shocked to see a girl standing beside her. She had light blue hair, brown eyes and tanned skin.

"This is Natasha," Caitlyn says, standing up. "She's a Gemini."

I remembered that day we went to visit her and she had thought Hikaru and I were Gemini before she realised that I'm an Incubus. Natasha closed her eyes and two other Natashas jumped out of her body, standing on either side of her.

"Woah," Hikaru breaths. "I wish I was able to multiply myself."

Haruhi shivered, obviously imaging twenty Hikarus around the school. Try and win the Which one is Hikaru Game like that.

"Come on," one of the Natashas say. "Let's go and help the Succubus."

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