Chapter Thirteen: Enzo

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I found the host club in the maze on the school grounds, Kyouya writing in his black book (as usual), Haruhi trying to pry Tamaki off her, Honey and Mori sitting side by side, Honey eating cake and Mori staring off into space and Hikaru looking out of place without Kaoru. They all look up as I clear my throat, and they all blink at me, confused.

"Wait - how did you get out?" Tamaki asks.

"Succubus strength."

They all grumbled, having forgotten about my super strength. Tamaki let go of Haruhi (Haruhi looked glade) and he made his way over to me, a look in his violet eyes confusing me.

"Did you two work it out?" he asked.

I nodded. Tamaki breathed out a sigh of relief as he collapsed onto the bench beside Haruhi, lacing his fingers together and putting them behind his head. Haruhi was looking at Tamaki in surprise and the others were sharing a look. Finally Hikaru stood up, looking around.

"Where's Kaoru?"

"In the music room."

We made our way over to the school building.


A silver wolf stood behind a bush outside of the maze, watching the exit with a look of alertness in its gold eyes. The wolf's ears perked up as it heard noises coming from the maze, and seven people walked out, talking and laughing with each other. They were all human except one, a girl with black hair and green eyes. A Succubus. The wolf stepped out of the bushes and made its way over to the group. The humans stared at the wolf as it approached, and the Succubus knelt in front of it, staring into its gold eyes with her green ones. Finally, in barely a whisper, the Succubus said, "Hello Enzo."

The wolf's form was engulfed in shadows and it stood on its hind legs as the shadow grew taller, reaching man height. The shadows disappeared and a sixteen-year-old boy stood in its place. The boy had silver hair that feel into his golden eyes, a scar over his right eye and a lithe figure. The boy was wearing a white t-shirt with the words 'I Google Myself' on it and blue jeans.

"Athena!" the boy said in a strong Spanish accent, losing all the aggressiveness the wolf had as he pulled Athena into his arms. "It's so good to see you again!"

"So good to see you too Enzo," Athena laughed, patting the Spanish boy's back.

Enzo looks over at the boys staring at Athena and Enzo in shock.

"Oh, guys this is Lorenzo Agustin," Athena introduces. "Enzo, this is Tamaki Souh, Haruhi Fujioka, Mitsukuni Haninozuka, Takashi Morinozuka, Kyouya Ootori and Hikaru Hitachiin."

"It's nice to meet you all," Enzo says. He than turns to Athena and says, "He's here."



Athena gasps and looks over at the humans, who were all looking at her, waiting for her to explain.

"My fiancé," she explains.

"You're engaged?" Hikaru asks. "But what about Kaoru?"

"I used to love Quinn but that was until I found out who he really is," Athena answers. "He's Dark. But I love Kaoru more than I ever loved him."

Athena turned to Enzo and asked, "Where is he?"

"He's at this school now," Enzo answers. "He's in this abandoned classroom or something. A music room, I think."

"Music ... Room ... 3?"

"That's the one!"

"Wait - isn't Kao-Chan there?" Honey asks innocently.

"Yeah, he is." Athena whirls around to face the host club. "You guys go as far away from here as you can get."

"No way," Tamaki says.

"But -"

"Kaoru is a fellow host: we do not abandon each other," Tamaki goes on.

"Kaoru is my brother - we'll never abandon each other," Hikaru puts in.

"I know, but Quinn is a three hundred year old Incubus: he's very strong," Athena tries.

"Don't forget, Takashi and I are trained Vampire Hunters," Honey puts in. Athena looks at him and sighs.

"There's no convincing you to leave, is there?" she asks. The host club shake their heads. "But you're human: there's no way you can fight him barehanded."

"I might have something for that," Enzo says. He pulls out six rings, each a different colour. He handed them out to everyone, who put them on their fingers in confusion.

"Um, what are these for?" Haruhi asks.

"They magic rings that give you powers in a special suit that is the same colour as the ring," Enzo says happily. "The suits are the same as the Power Rangers!"

"Oh God," Athena mutters, shaking her head.

"Otaku!" Hikaru shrieks.

"That's awesome!" Tamaki says, looking at the green ring. "We will be called The Host Rangers!"

He waves his hand, trying to turn the ring on, but nothing happens. He waves his hand again, but he just looked stupid. He taps the ring a couple of times before looking up at Enzo. "How does it work?"

"Oh, to power up you say "Power Up" and to power down you say "Power Down"'

"Power Up!" Tamaki shouts. His form turns green and it disappears as quickly as it came. In Tamaki's place was a green Power Ranger.

"That's so cool," Honey says before found the same thing. His Host Ranger colour is pink. The rest do it and we head over to the music room, Enzo in wolf form.

Succubus Ties #1 (Ouran High School Host Club)Where stories live. Discover now