Chapter 12

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Trenton: Where are they?!

Bismarck: I dont know what your talking about.

The Eagle Union carrier walks closer to them with narrowed eyes.

Trenton: Dont play dumb with me Bismarck. I know my sisters are alive, now where are they?!

Bismarck: Even if I told you, you're already too late to save them.

She just chuckled and smirked. Then out of nowehere Trenton give a right hook on Bismarck's left face.

Tritpitz: Scwhester!

Wilhelm: I'm gonna kill you!

Wilhelm struggled to free himself.

Trenton:  Wrong answer. Let's try again and I'm not gonna repeat the question again.

Bismarck stayed silent.

Trenton: Not talking huh?

He pulls out his golden revolver and shot it at Tritpiz forehead.


Bismarck/Wilhelm: Tirptiz!!!!

She snarled at Trenton with tears on her eyes. Then Wilhelm managed to free himself from the ropes, however Anna who is standing behind Wilhelm this whole time anticipated this by swinging the tomahawk vertically on his head killing him instantly.

Trenton turns around to see Wilhelm laying on the floor lifeless with the tomahawk stuck on his head. 

Bismarck: Bruder!!!

Bismarck cold look on her face is now replaced by fear and grieve.

Trenton: Good job Anna.

He glance back at Bismarck.

Trenton: I'm gonna ask again, where are my sisters?!

He asked as he pointed his golden revolver at left side of her temple while grabbing her collar

Bismarck: ....Enterprise and Hornet are located at a siren facilty in Antarctica!

Trenton: How about Yorktown?! Where is she?!

Bismarck: I-I dont know! Akagi and Kaga knows where she is! I swear!

Trenton slowly lowers his revolver and releasing his tight grip on her collar giving Bismarck a slight relief. 

Suddenly Bismarck is being poured by some sort of liquid by Anna, Bismarck then smells the liquid that is soaked on her uniform and it made her eyes widen, it's gasoline. She then looks at Trenton who has an menacing grin while holding an ignited lighter.

Her heart beats faster than ever as she knew what would Trenton would do next.

Bismarck: I-I already told you on where are your sisters are!

Trenton: I know...but did you really think that I would spare you after what you and your fascist alliance did to me, my sisters and my home?!

He throws the ignited lighter at Bismarck.

Bismarck: No!

When the lighter made contact with her gasoline soaked uniform, she burst in to flames and starts burning.  Her screams are defeaning but Trenton and Anna wasn't fazed by this, they continue to watch her burn.

Trenton: Let's get out of here Anna, there is no doubt that someone would hear her screams.

She just nods and they both walk out of the abandoned warehouse in the middle of the forest in Germany. After he ransacked the Ironblood base, he took the Bismarck class to this location.

The 4th Yorktown class (OC X Azur Lane) [Warning: Gore]Where stories live. Discover now