Chapter 14

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After the little dream I had I couldn't go back to sleep I wonder how I was going to tell the guys all this especially my brother Jake.

"Lil' red you alright" Jake asked.

"I guess. Jake can you get everyone to meet in the dining room I have something to tell you guys" I replied. I don't know how they will take it but I guess it might be for the best I tel them. I don't want to lie to them.

"Ok we'll meet you down there then."-Jake

I went to the kitchen and made hot cocoa it always helped me when j was having trouble sleeping. As I was drinking my hot cocoa I was thinking how they would take it. I wonder if we are doing the right thing by giving out our identity. When I was done eating my cocoa I put the cup in the sink and went to the living room to see everybody was there already. I went to the corner where I always stand sometimes. I also noticed our mates were here also.

"So why are we all here"Annabeth asked.

"During my dream the moon goddess talked to me she said we should all tell our life story and give our identity that she thinks its time." I said.

"If she said so then I guess we should do that" Austin said.

"Does that mean also what happened with us and mission two and the other lady basically dads wives" Jake asked.

"Yeah we are J we have to even if I don't want to" I replied.

"Well its settled then we are gonna tell the principal and tell the people in an assembly since we have an all werewolf school" Adam sighed.

With that we all went up to bed again and our mates probably to the guest rooms but I followed Jake because I didn't want to be alone. At home when me or him didn't want to be alone we would sleep either in his room or mine and be with each other since we were really close so we never questioned it.

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Sorry for the small chapter but I think I'm gonna be able to update a little faster now but no promises. And hope your liking the book so far.

The Protectors Second Chance MateOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora