Chapter 42: Dinner Drama

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Tysm for 100 likes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can always trust my Wattpad users to come in clutch 😝

Dinner was rather uncomfortable. You sat between Elizabeth and Chris tonight. The air between you and Michael, it was just too awkward for you to handle.

"So, how is everyone liking the place?" Henry starting conversation, he seemed to notice the unusual tension.

You felt a bit weird about that question. It was your house. You didn't want to get all controlling, but shouldn't they just be grateful they're staying here?

"It's nice." Elizabeth mumbled, chewing on some mash potatoes. "I wish it had a pool like our house though..."

Henry chuckled awkwardly. Clearly not expecting that answer. You weren't either. But you didn't get too offended, at least tried not to, maybe she was just home sick.

You didn't even remember seeing their pool.

"Yeah! The Wi-Fi sucks here!" Chris chimed in. His eyes furrowed with frustration.

You couldn't fix the Wi-Fi! That was your shitty moms job! And she wasn't here!

Why did Henry even ask that stupid question? Was he trying to piss you off?!

Henry cleared this throat. "Guys, I think we should really just be happy that—"

"Be happy about what? My room is so boring! And there was a bug in it!" Elizabeth yelled, she stood up in protest towards Henry. You didn't even want to look at her. Fearing she might insult you next.

Michael, who was sitting in complete silence observing all of this, suddenly raised his voice at the two. "Stop being such brats! You're lucky to even be here right now, Elizabeth! What do you think father would've done to you?!"

The two were shocked at Michael's outburst. They both looked at him, eyes wide, while Elizabeth's mouth quivered. You felt a little bad, however, some of that was deserved.

Elizabeth ran away. Presumably to her room. As soon as Chris saw that he did the same. Henry sighed heavily and rubbed his forehead. You weren't sure if he was mad at Michael or not.

"Well, that went great." Henry spat, his hands digging into the table. He looked into the distance of the hallway, still squinting his eyes.

"They'll get over it." Michael scoffed, crossing his arms and looking to the side. He appeared apathetic to the situation.

"Jesus, Michael, that was a bit harsh, don't you think?!" Henry somewhat yelled, his tone assertive and filled with frustration.

Henry looked at you. You quirked a brow. "I'm sorry—I haven't been home in a while, I really miss my family."

You looked sympathetically, "Why don't you go then?"

He shook his head, looking back down at the table. "No...I can't. If something were to happen to you guys, while I was gone? I don't think I could handle that regret."

"What about your family though? Don't you think they miss you too?"

He nearly cried. "Of course! It's a terrible situation. But I can't just leave you guys alone. Something might happen—"

Michael commented, "Your family is in danger too."

Henry's eyes opened wide. As if coming to some sort of realization. Michael was still refusing eye contact. "Repeat what you just said."

"You heard me."

Henry nearly pounced on him. "Repeat it!"

You and Michael were both astounded. Why was Henry acting like this? Was the isolation from his family truly getting to him? Or was it Afton?

"Your family is in danger, Henry! My father knows you are caring for us. Obviously he is aware your family is left defenseless!"

Henry looked like a madman. He was breathing heavily, shaking. You didn't even think it was safe to be near him right now. "N-no! They're not defenseless! They can fend for themselves!"

Michael spoke monotonously, "Not when they don't expect it."

You looked at both of them, crazily. Why would Michael worry him like that?! He's being such a dick! It was seriously messed up. Henry was having a whole panic attack right now.

"Henry, don't get upset. I'm sure if I call them, they will be fine."

Michael glared at you. Why? For some reason, he didn't want Henry here. At least that's what it seemed like. He wasn't communicating that well to you. And you weren't going to get rid of Henry without a good reason.

Henry nodded, suggesting for you to call his house. You smiled and called the house number. Sincerely hoping that they would be home to pick it up.

It rang...

And it rang....

It continued ringing.

"We're sorry, the person you're trying to reach is unavailable at this time. Please leave a message at the tone."

Henry's heavy breathing halted. Like he stopped breathing entirely. His whole body froze. Honestly, you were scared for his family. Especially after what Michael just spewed out. It left you paranoid.

He then abruptly bolted for the door, opening and slamming it behind him. You saw keys in his pockets, most likely for the car. The only car. In nearly ten seconds, Henry had completely vanished from the house. The car driving way above the limit.

Michael just stood there. You were furious. You couldn't believe he scared him like that. "Why would you do that?! Henry is scared out of his mind enough! I'm sure there's a good reason for them not picking up..."

Michael looked at you, his face full of some unrecognizable emotion. "You're right. They probably are fine."

That made you angrier. "He could get into a car crash! Did you see how fast he was going?! This is unbelievable! Why would you do this?!"

He smirked. He smirked. "I needed him out of the house for a while."

You were fully glaring now. "Why? So you could smoke some weed?!"

He was no longer smiling. "Damn it. No,
Y/N. Just come with me. I wanna show you something."

You blushed. Whether from embarrassment or being flustered, you'll never know.

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