Chapter 27: Survive The Night

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MERRY CHRISTMAS RAHHHH! And if you don't celebrate Christmas, happy holidays ☺️


Downstairs, you saw William sitting on a workbench clearly using some sort of unknown tool, to fix one of his animatronics. You weren't the best with mechanics and machinery, so you had a hard time identifying what he was trying to do.

There was a bunch of clicking noises and a few unknown sounds that you couldn't make out. Afton had a focused look on his face working with the Freddy headpiece, though something looked off about it.

The eyes in the bear would flicker occasionally, usually whenever Afton touched it or tried working on it. You assumed it was just a malfunction, and that was why William was doing this. But it was still odd for him to be up this late at night, attempting to fix a headpiece of a old Freddy costume.

"Step three...inject the remnant."

You were still at the top of the staircase, but you could definitely hear that William planned on injecting something inside of Freddy. Alarmed, you took another leap of faith down a step, hoping it wouldn't catch the ears of Afton.

It didn't.

Though, the Freddy head seemed to have reacted to your feet somehow, and started spattering and glitching out. Constantly yammering incoherent and old tunes from the pizzeria.

"H-h-he-hey k-id-ids! Ar-are y-o-ou ready f-for s-so-some F-faz-b-be-bear f-fun!?"

You cringed at its horrid voice box. Afton had obviously been neglecting that thing.

It's voice did a headpiece have a voice box?

"Incredible. You're still able to speak after all of that, huh Gabriel?" It was William, he was holding the head and speaking to it. Also addressing it as 'Gabriel'. This confused you, and also frightened you. Had he gone mad?

"H-ha-have s-some p-pi-pizza!" Freddy replied, his eye sockets black and his mouth still moving along with the words. You watched inquisitively, wondering how the bear was responding in the first place.

"Don't act dumb with me. I am your creator." You raised a brow, leaning in closer to get a better look at the thing.

Unfortunately, that caused a very loud creak in the stairs. It was humiliating and you had to stand there and watch as Afton turned around swiftly to stare you down, with the head in hand.

"Y/N...didn't Michael tell you the basement was private?" William was very open about his anger, his face and tone showed it all.

"Sorry, sir. I was just wondering if you knew when I had to work tomorrow."

Lie. But hopefully it was enough for William to believe.

"Be there at seven a.m sharp. You have some maintenance work to do." He sighed, putting Freddy on the table and turning back to it. It seemed your presence was no longer a concern to him.

"Oh, okay. Thanks."

No reply. Awkwardly, you went back up the stairs, each step creaking as you went. Afton seemed to be ticked off by your little visit so you were definitely going to avoid doing something like that for a while.

Honestly, you were a little bit scared to sleep tonight. There was no Michael to save you, and Afton was mad at you. William was a dice role and he seemed like a absolute lunatic when angry.

You just hoped you could keep your eyes open.

Slipping into Michael's room, you pulled out your phone and started texting him, eagerly hoping for a quick reply. Even though you knew it was unlikely.

Y/N: I did something bad.

Maybe it was just enough to alarm him, so he could respond faster. It was greedy, but you were anxious and wanted sleep. Being sleep deprived like Michael was not a wish of yours.

Micheal: Call me now.

Not even hesitating, you clicked another few buttons on the phone. It chirped lowly as it rang Michael's phone.

"What the fuck did you do?!" Micheal yelled through the phone, his voice cracking with panic.

"I don't know how bad it is, but I snuck downstairs in your basement and watched your dad work on one of his projects. I think I might've watched too much...and he caught me. He was really mad and I'm kind of freaking out."

Micheal groaned heavily. The stress consuming the two of you. You heard some faint shuffles from the background before he answered.

"It depends. What was he doing down there?"

"He was talking to a Freddy head, Micheal! It was fucking insane! Then, he started addressing it as Gabriel and talked about injecting it with remnant—"

"Will you quiet down?! If my dad hears you talking about this, you're screwed!" Micheal hissed, "You're in some deep shit, Y/N. You really shouldn't of been snooping that much, or at all. If he heard you knew this would be bad."

Your goal was to feel better after calling Micheal. You felt worse. The consequences of your curiosity were disastrous.

"What am I supposed to do!?" You cried, whisper-yelling into your phone.

"Act normal. Pretend you didn't see anything. If he suspects anything off about you, he'll know. Just be careful, Y/N. I'll be home soon."

Be careful?! What did you have to 'be careful' for??

"Should I be expecting him to hurt me?! You're really scaring me here!"

"...Not unless you get caught with that information. Like I said, I'll be home soon and we can talk more about it. Just act normal and lay low."

Right after, there was pounding on Michael's side of the phone. You asked if he was alright but he told you he had to get back to work. It confused you, but you very cautiously hung up.

All you had to do was wait for him to come home. You could do it, do this. Afton wouldn't hurt you. He wouldn't dare.


Son of a Monster (Michael Afton x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora