Chapter 9: Odd Behavior

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Since that night, Michael and I had gotten along pretty well. At school, he'd greet me in the hallways and his friends would leave me alone. Sometimes, we'd have talk but never without teasing each other.

Of course, we weren't friends or anywhere near it. But we weren't exactly enemies anymore either. My mother and his father are disgustingly close but they haven't slept together...I hope.

Now, it's Tuesday and I'm on my way to lunch. Since, my only friend was a pot head I usually just sat by myself. Sometimes, I'd go outside and just eat alone out there. But I stopped when rumors were spread about how only 'losers' do that.

Something unusual happened today, as I placed my tray down onto my table, I saw Michael walk over to me. Sometimes, he'd prank me and I'd find a way to get him back. But I knew this wasn't a joke when he sat beside me and started to eat his lunch.

"The hell are you up to?" I raised a brow at the calm Michael.

"What's wrong with eating the school lunch?" He retorted.

"A lot of things. But besides that, why are you sitting here?"

"You looked pathetic eating alone." Michael chuckled. Alright, well there goes me trying to be civil.

"Not as pathetic as your biology grade." Michael choked on his food as he shot me a glare. I snorted at his reaction.

"Hey, Mr. Benelvo's fault. Not mine."

"Sure it is." I rolled my eyes.

"You're so lucky the cafeteria isn't selling spaghetti. Otherwise, it'd be in your hair."

"I'm still not over you flicking your food at me." I growled. Michael smirked as he reminisced on the memory.

"Worth it." He chuckled.

"It wasn't worth it when we had to witness our parents flirting the next day!" I nearly yelped. Michael's eyes widened as he pushed his tray away from him.

"Great! Now you made me lose my appetite!" I looked back at him...and then laughed. Sometimes he was just so accidentally funny.

As my laughter ended, a group of girls walked over to Michael and shot me dirty looks. I wasn't having their shit but they seemed to speak before me.

"Why are you eating with her?" The blonde one asked. I didn't try learning their names simply because I don't care. Michael shrugged in response.

"I dunno. She's not boring like you guys." Was that seriously the best he could come up with? Groaning, I turned away from the sight, not wanting to hear anymore.

"What?! Mikey, why would you say that?!" The girl beside her yelled. I couldn't take it anymore. Their voices were so whiney!

"Oh my god. Please, if you are going to talk, get away from me. You are all very annoying." I growled. The three girls were fuming at this as they huffed.

"We don't want to be here anyway! Let's go, Mikey!" The blonde pulled in Michael's arm. However, for some reason he reminded seated.

"Nah, I'm good. Go bother my boys over there." Michael waved them off to his friends siting diagonal. The girls growled before stomping over to his friends. I practically dropped dead on sight. That was hilarious.

"Oh my god, Mikey! Mikey, you're so dreamy! Kiss me, Mikey!" I banged my hands against the table as I mimicked the brat. Michael laughed with me as I continued.

"I can't believe you have fan girls." I finally stopped.

"Hey! What's that supposed to mean?"

"That you're snobby and nobody likes you."

"Says the one eating alone."

"Technically, you're eating with me."

"Shut up."




The rest of the day was actually quite enjoyable. Lunch really lifted my spirits for some reason. I hadn't really had a conversation with Michael since that night in the car. It was really just occasional small talk in the hallways and some teasing.

I was even more surprised that he ditched his friends to go eat lunch with me. Just a few weeks ago we hated each other's guts! Now, we were eating lunch together as if we were friends. I mean, maybe we could be.

The time was around 3 PM, so I decided to go to the skate park. Michael and his squad always let me skate there, even when everyone else ran away. In return, I left them alone and usually let them do their own thing.

As I was about to reach the park, I saw someone skating beside me. I half-expected it to be Michael, just cause I was a little paranoid. But to my surprise it was, Payton.

"Y/N, I just want to talk to you!" He yelled over the skateboard. I completely ignored him as I skated into the park and went into the skating area.

Michael and his friends were already there, but like usual, I ignored them. I sped walk into my side of the park but to my dismay, Payton followed me.

"Y/N, I'm sorry! I shouldn't of tried doing something like that! I miss you." Is there no way to avoid him? Groaning, I turned to face Payton who had a very hurt look on his face. But I couldn't tell if it was real or not.

"I don't want to be your friend. Go away." I growled.

"What if we were something more?" Payton walked closer. I blushed, understanding what he meant.


"You heard me. I like you, Y/N. I'm sorry about what happened. I won't do it again."

Now don't get me wrong, Payton was good looking. But he definitely wasn't my type, and I do not date drug dealers.

"I don't feel the same. Please, leave me alone so I can skate." I began walking away but felt a tug on my wrist. Payton was holding me back. I tried to pull away but he didn't budge.

"Hey! Let go!" I hissed.

"Not until you go out with me!" His face leaned in closer as I gasped in horror. But just as I lost hope, I heard a smack and Payton was bleeding on the cement.

"What just happened?!" I looked up at my savior.

Fucking, Michael Afton.

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