Chapter 6: Detention

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I made it a priority to avoid Payton. I made sure to get up early to walk to school, and avoid the bus route, which was extremely draining.

That didn't work out so well for me, because I ended up showing up thirty minutes after the bell rang. Of course, this earned me a detention and it was all thanks to my so called friend.

Scowling, I made my way to room 113. It was currently three minutes after the bell rang and it was time my detention was served. I had tried to explain I wasn't skipping but of course these inconsiderate teachers didn't believe me.

I took the desk in the back right corner. I didn't want to run into anymore assholes here. I've seen enough of that these past few days...

As I fiddled with my pencil, waiting for any teacher to come in. I saw a familiar figure walking in. Michael.

It was just Michael, none of his friends or anything. It made me curious as to what his reason was for ending up in here. I could never ask such a thing, because we weren't anywhere close to being friends but I still wondered.

What trouble could have he gotten in without his other, dickhead friends?

Michael surprisingly took the table next to mine. I wasn't really sure of his intentions. He seemed rather calm but last time he did this was to pick on me and prank me. So of course with my instincts, I didn't dare make eye contact and remained staring at my empty desk before me.

"So that's how it's gonna be, huh?" That same familiar figure asked me. I nervously looked up and faced Michael, who had a smug grin on his face.

"I saved your ass and you're gonna ignore me?" He snorted out sarcastically. I rolled my eyes at his fake sadness.

"As thankful as I am that you told me about that scum, you don't deserve any gratitude." I huffed, placing my arms over my desk.

"Whatever, be like that. Why are you even here anyway? You're a suck-up." Michael chuckled at his own thrown insults.

"None of your business, asshole. Maybe you should stop focusing on me and focus on your cigarette addiction." I taunted, not realizing the subject was a sensitive topic for him. He stood up almost immediately and slammed his hands down on my desk.

"Shut the hell up! You don't even have friends! You're a complete loser!"

"You have no right to judge me! You're just an insensitive, loner, bitch!" I stood up, feeling belittled with the way Michael was looking down at me. His eyes were threatening as I could see how he wanted to hurt me.


Michael walked away, his shoulder aggressively hitting my own and nearly pushing me back into my seat. I watched him leave the room. His backpack was still at his seat.

I wasn't going to keep putting up with this shit.



It's been about a week since that whole incident happened. Surprisingly, Michael had never said a word to his father and I never said anything to my mother. I think it's best if our parents didn't get involved. They'd resolve nothing anyway.

He hadn't spoken or bothered me since that day. I had come to realize that he was just trying to be friendly to me in detention, but I ruined it when I insulted him. I failed to realize he was insecure about his drug addiction. However, I didn't feel too bad about it. He was a jerk, after all.

His gang left me alone. Even when the skatepark would go into utter chaos, they wouldn't say a word to me. It was a peaceful time in my life, I had no complaints.

Unfortunately, it seems I can never enjoy anything. Since this silence was abruptly coming to an end as Mr. Afton invited my mother over for dinner once again. I was curious as to why he would do this without any occasion, but I could only assume that this weirdo was trying to get in my mother's pants. Still.

The time was nearing to leave as I walked down the stairs and helped my mom carry  the dessert we brought over to the door. She had told me to be on my best behavior and to try to be nice to Michael.

I just hoped he wouldn't dare talk to me.

The one good thing that came out of this was the fact that I got to see Elizabeth again. I would also get the chance to meet their little brother, Chris but I wasn't sure if he would like me or not.

As my mother and I approached their door I had already gotten a bad feeling about this. I swallowed harshly as my mother's knocks ringed through my ears. Why did I agree to this? I should've put up a fight!

I was truly hoping Michael would be out with his friends or something because I didn't want to face him again, it was too soon.

As my hands beaded with sweat, the door swung open and my whole body froze at his unremarkable face.

Fucking Michael Afton.

Son of a Monster (Michael Afton x Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin