Chapter 33: Run, Run

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"So, you're leaving the hospital tomorrow?"

"...Yeah. The doctor said I would be more comfortable recovering at home. And I don't need the respirator anymore, anyway."

Micheal simply stared. He didn't seem to neither approve or disapprove the doctors orders. Though, his expressionless face made it seem like he was less than dissatisfied with the idea.

"Are you not happy about it?" You deadpanned, looking away from him in a bout of anger.

"Of course I am! But something could go wrong too! What if your condition gets worse? What am I supposed to do then?!"

He seemed...rattled. Like, as if as soon as you left the hospital, everything would go haywire. Honestly, you couldn't do much about it. You can't guarantee your own safety. You haven't felt safe since that night.

"As long as your father is at the hospital, I think I'll be alright." That was one thing you had to make sure of, you would downright refuse to be in the same room as him. You'd do everything in your power.

Micheal looked away, a bad sign. "That's another thing..."

Your breath sharpened.

"It's a medical mystery, but his organs are functioning normally again. No one knows how or why. In fact, they don't even look like his. Doctors have scanned and they look so healthy. He's conscious and thriving, it's frightening." Micheal looked baffled himself, and you were startled. You couldn't believe what you just heard.

"What the hell happened?!" You yelled, a little too loudly for Michael's liking.

"I don't know! But he can walk and everything! He's restrained but no one understands..."

Of course no one understands! He was supposed to die. That was his fate. Afton shouldn't be thriving. You didn't know why this was happening, and Micheal's story had so many holes in it. You had a feeling it had to do with his little visitor.

"Is that woman still seeing him?" You sneered. Disliking the idea of him getting any special treatment, especially from a fellow female.

"Tsch, yeah. She's super weird too. I tried talking to her but she ignored me. I mean, I'm his son! Shouldn't she want to speak to me?" Micheal seemed rather upset that this woman wasn't giving him her undivided attention. You could care less. That wasn't the priority right now.

"She only wants one thing and that's William. She has no interest in talking to people like us."

You felt enraged. He was recovering even quicker than you were! And how? Nobody knows! Medical mystery! It was incredible that so many things could go wrong in your life!

"Whatever. I don't care about her anyway. You'll be going home soon, so we should get ready for that."

You didn't relax. "Yeah, but what about your dad? What are they going to do with him when he's all better?"

Micheal bit his lip. He seemed nervous. The silence after your response confirmed how scared he truly was for the future.

"...The police will handle it. We just need to focus on getting you better."

That was enough of a response for you. And you were finally about to settle down and have a normal conversation with Micheal, until someone stormed into the room, a parade of doctors.

"Mr. Afton! Have you seen William Afton?!" One of them cried, all panicky and fidgeting.

You breathed in sharply. What?

"No. What happened?" Micheal replied, monotone. The worry written all over his face.

"He's escaped his restraints! We have no idea where he is!" Another yelled.

They slammed the door shut and an alarm started blaring through the hospital. Code Red. It kept repeating something about 'Code Red'. You had no idea what it meant. But you were scared. And so was Micheal.

"How did this happen?!" Micheal hissed, kicking one of the chairs with his foot. He seemed to be on the verge of tears and murder at the same time.

The alarm. It hurt your ears. They were ringing and the buzzing was so loud. It was painful. Why must the keep playing this? Can't they just shut up?

"Y/N, we need to get Elizabeth and Chris!"He screamed, louder than the alarms and the stomping in the hallways. I covered my ears in stress.

"You didn't bring them?!"

"No! I left them at home! I didn't think my father was going to do some jailbreak!" You couldn't handle this. You weren't even cleared to leave yet. "We need to get you and them away from my house! My father can't have access to you guys!"

"Let's just go get your siblings first! William could still be in the hospital and we might be scared over nothing!"

Micheal simply nodded. It was a reasonable demand. Besides, you guys shouldn't be making all of these plans if Afton is found in twenty minutes. Though, you should definitely still try and get to Liz and Chris.

"I'm bringing you too. If he is still here, I don't want him breaking in your room." He unplugged the IV bag and started packing your things, seemingly already making the decision for the both of you.

"I'm not even allowed to leave, Micheal."

"It's for your safety! I'll carry you if you're unable to walk." He wasn't staring at you, thankfully, because you were blushing. You didn't want him to carry you! That would be so humiliating!

"Um, I'll be fine." You muttered.

"Okay. Then we're going." As if to fit the situation, the alarm stopped blaring at the exact same time. Though, the footsteps never stopped hurrying around the hallways. Micheal stared at you, a backpack on his shoulder.


As you sneaked out your hospital door, a voice was heard on the intercom.

"Please, a patient, William Afton, is missing from their hospital room. Report any siting of a Caucasian, tall male. With grey eyes and dark brown hair. Thank you."

Micheal grabbed your hand walked faster.

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