Chapter 26: Suspicious

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Sorry for the delayed chapter, I broke my hand so it's been a lot more difficult typing.

You felt an uncomfortable urge to scram as you entered the doors of Freddy Fazbear's. Everything was as it should be, but your unnerving anxiety about William wasn't going away.

"Did my father tell you where Liz was going to be?" Michael frowned, irritated by his dads lack of information.

"No. I'm sure she's nearby though."

You and Michael walked further into the establishment near the animatronics on the stage. They were in mid-performance right now. Your eyes wandered to the bear that was singing, Freddy. His voice box was clearly damaged. He would glitch out every few seconds when singing. Why didn't anyone try fixing it? 

"Michael. What are you doing here?"

Fixing your attention back towards Michael behind you, you saw Afton with his daughter next to him. He appeared to be in a frantic mood. Michael's presence was not helping with that.

"I came with Y/N to pick up Elizabeth." He explained with furrowed brows. It seemed there was going to be an issue.

"Who the hell is watching Chris?!" William let go of his daughters hands and yelled. Elizabeth recoiled at the volume.

"He's in the car! Jeez! Don't you have to get back to work?"

William glared at Michael. The two seemed to be in stare off. You watched thoughtfully as Michael didn't back down this time. Elizabeth was stuck staring at the both of them as well. Finally, William scoffed before rolling his eyes and taking off.

"What was that all about?" You turned towards Michael.

"He's just in a cranky mood. Let's go, Elizabeth."

She complied, and the two were working their way to the door, as if this were a normal outburst. You didn't really get to say much else. So instead you followed behind them, utterly speechless.


The night had dawned and it was time for Michael to leave for work. His siblings were already in bed, but there was still no sign of William.

You weren't sure if you should stay at his house or go with him. Honestly, you felt quite awkward staying at his home without him actually being there. Especially with freaky William roaming about. But you were a little greedy and you also didn't want to lose all of your sleep because of his night shift.

Plus, you might not even be able to tag along.

You tried anyway.

"Can I try working the night shift with you?"

"No." He answered almost immediately. You huffed at the stubbornness. Besides sleep, the night shift sounded so easy. You didn't understand.

"Why not? I'm able to do everything you can do."

"Yeah, but it's not safe. You don't know why my father sends me to do this and not him."

You were even more confused at that. If it were somehow dangerous, why would Afton send his son to do the job for him. Wouldn't he want his child to be safe?

"Well if it's so bad, then that gives me even more reason to come with you." Michael seemed to of been taken off guard by that.

"...Stop. You're not going and that's final."

You grumbled even more. He sounded like he was reprimanding you, like a father would. He wasn't your father. You didn't have to listen to him.

"You're not my dad."

You didn't think he even heard you because he was already out the door and starting the car up. You were crazy enough to run outside and try to get him to listen, but he simply backed out of the driveway before you could reach him.

You flipped him off as his beaten-down car left.

"Stupid Afton's..." Mumbling, you slumped and walked back into the household with a look of defeat. You really wanted to know what went down during the night shift now. Not just to hang with Michael, but to settle your curiosity. His description interested you.

There was no way to get there though. You'd have to wait another day, or use your own two feet. And you were definitely not going to walk.

Sighing, you flickered on the TV and watched some old news channels. It was a little after midnight, but you weren't that tired. The adrenaline was still pumping through your veins. You sat on the couch for a while and contemplated the wonders of the pizzeria.

That was, until, you heard an opening at the door.

"Shit..." Afton mumbled as he slammed the door shut, not seeming to notice you yet. He suddenly heard the noise of the TV and laughed embarrassingly. "Oh, Y/N. You're still up? What are you doing up this late?"

He seemed very jumpy. Also very interested in what you were doing up at the hour. You questioned if he were high or anything...

"I'm not tired. Sorry for scaring you. Is it alright if I watch TV for a little bit?"

Afton did not look relieved at all to hear you planned on staying up even later. He was definitely up to something. Maybe your plans of doing some snooping tonight hadn't failed...

"Yeah, sure! I'm going to be doing something in the basement so don't mind me."

Rather quickly, he opened the basement door and started downwards. A backpack being carried with him. Your attention was no longer focused on the news you were watching, but whatever he was going to do down there.

You had never received the official house tour. Some rooms were off limits. One of them was the basement. You didn't recall that until now because you figured it wasn't that important.

Now, you were suspicious.

The basement door was not locked. It had no lock. You were fighting your thoughts. He had never said to not disturb him. If you were to be caught though, that would be awkward.

Your curiosity got the best of you as you stood up from the couch and made your way towards the basement door.

Son of a Monster (Michael Afton x Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang