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Good afternoon!!

So I'm getting over being sick, which is not fun, so I'm a bit behind on updating my books.

I do have it mapped out how I'm going to do this. Crimson Flower will end at season 3 after the defeat of Esther and then I'll start the book of Carina going to NOLA with the Mikaelsons along with her friends and family. We will be exiting Mystic Falls at one point and I'm excited to take Carina in that direction.

Especially with what I plan to do with the Hope storyline. No Hayley as Klaus is quite devoted to Carina, but I think I will have Carina be pregnant by Klaus in this since she thinks she can't be because she's not supernatural. Here's a teaser:

Elena smirked as she noticed that Klaus was still in Carina's room, she couldn't wait to tease her aunt about this.

"So, how'd you sleep last night?" Elena teased as Carina exited her bedroom and snickered as her aunt held up a sleepy middle finger.

"I hope you two used protection." Henrik said, coming back from his run with Finn who looked confused at what Henrik said.

"Why would we need protection? I'm infertile." Klaus reminded them as he came out of Carina's bedroom, fully clothed. He wrapped an arm around Carina's waist as Finn moved to press a kiss onto Carina's cheek.

"Nope, you can have babies. One of nature's loopholes." Henrik said before walking away. Finn pulled away from Carina with a panicked expression and she knew he was thinking of Dahlia and considering how Esther had found a way to come back, his fear was very founded.

"We might have a situation." Finn said, before leading his brother and their shared mate downstairs.

Not too bad for a start, I think. Anyway, going to defeat Esther and then our gang heads out. I have a fun trip planned for Damon, Finn, and Rose. It involves matches, kerosene, and a rescue of everyone's favorite person to say Gorgeous.

Mikael and Jenna will be splitting off from the group since it'll still be awkward between him and the others, but he is coming back in the second book for at least revenge against Dahlia for stealing his daughter.

Freya will be in the second book as well and Henrik will have a bigger role in that one than he has in this book. May the Force be with you!


So, I had another two stories in mind. One was suggested to me by GabbyCryingGirl and the other I thought up myself.

"Blood Ties" is the one suggested to me and I'll have the Cast chapter of it up by this weekend.

The other one I'm thinking of is called "Confidence of a Queen" and it will be about a new character called Luciana de Lorraine. This one will be mature as it will have more heavy content, such as pregnancy complications, sex scenes, swearing, and violence.

Luciana will be different from Elizabeth and Carina in that she will be much more seductive and vengeful. I always write more innocent and sweet characters so a seductive and morally pragmatic character feels exciting.

I hope you are all looking forward to both of them.

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