The Sun Still Rises

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Elena and Amber are sitting on the ground, Amber wass clutching at her head. Finn stood nearby, guarding the two of them. 

"Oh, my head. What's wrong with me?" Amber asked and Finn glanced at them..

"Do you remember what happened?" Elena asked and Amber nodded. 

"You called me. You were so scared. You said something had happened to my mom. The second I walked out of the house, someone grabbed me." She said. 

"Klaus. It was Klaus." Elena said and Finn cleared his throat. 

"Actually, Miss Elena, I did that." His eyes bore into her and Elena got the feeling that Finn didn't like her from the slight curl to his lip. 

"He made me drink his blood. And I don't...I don't remember anything after that." Amber agreed, pointing at Finn.  She then looked around, anxiously.

"Where are we? What happened?" She asked. Elena took Amber's hands into her own. 

"We're at the quarry. He brought us here." Elena told her. 

"Why don't I remember anything?" Amber asked. 

"When someone makes you drink their blood, they're a vampire. If you die with it in your system, you become a vampire as well and you have to drink human blood to complete the transition." Elena explained. 

"Okay, if you die with vampire blood in your system, it's..." Amber paused and then looked at Finn in horror.

"Oh, god. He killed me." Amber gasped, looking at Finn who was silently wondering if he had been that dramatic when he was turned. 

"Amber, listen to me. Listen to me; everything's going to be okay. I'm going to get you out of here." Elena promised and Finn took his coat off. 

"How do you plan to get past me, Miss Elena? You may be my Kjære's niece, but Niklaus is my brother." He reminded her. 

"I'm a vampire?" Amber asked and that's when Greta returned. 

"And I bet you're hungry." She said, approaching them. Amber and Elena looked up at her from the ground, then Elena saw a sharp rock nearby. She rushed to grab it, but a wave of her hand, Greta sent Elena flying back into the dirt. 

"Careful, Miss Greta, she is to remain unharmed until the ritual is over." Finn reminded me the witch, who nodded and put a circle of fire around Elena. Elena stood up and rushed towards the flames, but found out she couldn't escape. 

"Don't bother trying to get through. I spelled the circle. You're trapped. No matter what you do." Greta told her. 

"Greta...Please, just- just let her go." Elena begged, but was ignored as Greta sliced her wrist open with the sharp rock. Blood dripped from the wound and both Finn and Amber looked at it hungrily before Finn glanced away. 

"Klaus chose her. He was originally going to use your Aunt Jenna or Rose-Marie, but changed his mind when Carina requested they live." Greta informed the doppelganger. 

"No." Elena gasped, hating that she felt a bit relieved that it wasn't Jenna or Rose in that position. She may not have liked Rose, but she could tell that Damon loves her. Greta lowered her wrist towards Amber. 

"Drink it." Greta ordered. Elena shook her head urgently. 

"Amber, don't!" She pleaded and Amber shook her head. 

"I can't." She said. 

"Let her go. Hey!" Elena shouted and Finn rolled his eyes. 

"Why are the doppelgangers always so annoying?" He muttered and Elena shot him an offended look. Amber continued to stare at Greta's wrist until she finally sunk her teeth in. 

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