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Elijah POV:

As I waited for my Elskan, Rose, and Elena to arrive, I thought back to how I first met Katerina. She would be in Niklaus's grasp now and I felt a deep pleasure in this. She deserved what she would get for her years of deceiving others and pointless deaths. 

Inside an English manor, a party is underway, the room is filled to the brim with guests talking to each other. At one side of the room, Trevor was speaking with a woman until he caught sight of Elijah and walked over to him. 

"Ah, good evening, Trevor. I am pleased you could join us." Elijah greeted, cordially. 

"I could not miss the birthday celebration." Trevor said, politely. 

"No, considering the gift you claim to bear. Where is this mystery girl of which you speak?" Elijah asked, curiously. 

"Right this way." Trevor started to lead him and Elijah followed him to a young brunette woman. 

"My dear." Trevor greeted and she turned around to reveal Katerina Petrova. 

"Hello." She said to the shocked Elijah. 
Elijah POV:

I could see Rose-Marie's car pulling up the Lockwood's driveway. My Elskan was wearing a peculiar shirt and pants and I realized she must have gotten up early to come see me. Pleasure bloomed in my chest at the thought. 

Elijah stared for a moment before remembering where he was and recovered his bearings. 

"Forgive me. You remind me of someone." He said and she smiled at him. 

"Katerina, may I introduce the lord Elijah." Trevor introduced and Elijah held out his hand. Katerina took it and curtsied.

"Pleasure, my lord." She greeted and Elijah smiled. 

"The pleasure's mine. Katerina." He said, before kissing her hand. 
THIRD PERSON POV (Salvatore Boarding House):

Stefan was in his bedroom, sleeping until he woke up with a start and noticed Elena wasn't there. He looked around the room before heading downstairs.

"Elena!" He called, but got no response. Damon walked into the kitchen while looking at his phone. 
Damon's Phone

Cherry Red: hey Damon, Rose and I took Elena to negotiate with Elijah. Be back soon. 

Morticia: okay, be safe. Tell Elijah I said hi and that he should bring his big brother for drinks when he's freed. 

​​​​Cherry Red: will do. 

"Hey." Stefan greeted his brother and Damon looked up at him. 

"Hey." Damon raised an eyebrow at his younger brother. 

"Have you seen Elena?" Stefan asked and Damon cursed internally at this. 

"Uh, no." He said, which was technically the truth since he hadn't seen them leave the house. 

"I can't find her anywhere..." Stefan said and the worst case scenario dawned on him. 

"Do you think Klaus has her?" Stefan asked, rushing to pull his phone out. 

Alariklaus stood at the door with Maddox while Katherine was making coffee.

"I'll be back as soon as I can." Maddox promised his boss and Alariklaus nodded. 

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