Crying Wolf

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Carina POV:

So far things were going better and I was doing a better job of fixing Elijah's relationship with Finn then before. Right now, I was laying in bed, my head on Elijah's shoulder. He was spending another night in my room, this time reading a book to me and I had fallen asleep to the sound of his voice. 

"Tell me more about Finn, I get the feeling that you didn't like talking about him in front of the others." I requested and I felt Elijah sigh. 

"He was once my best friend, we were the most similar and closest to each other. He started chasing me off when I was about 10 and most of our younger siblings had been born, I was hurt by this newfound coldness and distance. I wonder if Rose-Marie is right, did I leave him daggered because I resent him?" Elijah admitted and I rubbed his arm. 

"I don't think so, I think he felt replaced by the others by both your parents and by you. It's hard being the oldest and second eldest children and having responsibilities placed on you when you should be allowed to enjoy your youth. You said it started after the others were born, he probably felt that you didn't need him or want him around so to protect himself, he started isolating himself more. His mental health probably started to suffer then rather than when he became a vampire." I explained. Elijah hummed and resumed reading to me. I yawned and then went back to sleep. 

When I woke up, I wasn't in my room, I was in a clearing with dark thorny bushes and thick trees surrounding it and long shadows that curled on the trees and rocks. In the middle was Finn Mikaelson, his skin was cracked and grey and his eyes were dark and full of bloodlust. I stepped back in a bit of fear, clearly he had cleaned up a bit before he appeared in Dangerous Liaisons. 

His eyes snapped to my own and his fangs sharpened and he moved towards me, slowly and deliberately like a predator. 

"You will not scream and you will not move." He tried to compel me. I moved back instead and he frowned at me in confusion. 

"How are you able to resist my compulsion? Are you taking vervain?" He asked, retracting his fangs and the veins under his eyes went away. 

"No, I don't. I've never been able to be compelled." I told him and he leaned closer to sniff my neck. 

"Kjære." He mumbled before stepping back. 

"What?" I asked. 

"Mate, you're my mate." He said and I felt a little concerned. How was I supposed to repair his relationship with Elijah now? Elijah said I was his mate and now Finn was saying I was his mate too. 

"Is it possible to have more than one?" I asked and he narrowed his eyes. 

"Yes, why?" He asked and I knew I had to tell him. 

"You might have to share me with Elijah?" I said, uneasily. 

"Er du seriøs? Hvorfor har gudene forlatt meg og gitt meg en ektefelle jeg må dele?" He shouted and I tried to hide my eye roll. Fucking dramatic ass Mikaelsons. 

"Yeah, I'm going to help you. I'm going to tell him about this!" I said, realizing I had a reason to tell Elijah about Finn's regained consciousness. If I had seen him in my dreams and we could talk, he would understand why Finn needed his help. 

"No, he did this to me on purpose. He wants to be the eldest and he wants me out of the way!!" Finn shouted and I grabbed his arms. 

"Do you know that for certain?" I asked. He stared at me and thought about it, but he finally shook his head no. 

"What if he doesn't know? If he doesn't, then you can milk this for guilt points with him and possibly Klaus if he also doesn't know." I told him and admiration filled his eyes. 

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