The Last Dance

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Alariklaus opened the closet and took out 2 shirts while Katherine was tied to a chair.

"Oh! Who is this guy, Safari Sam?" He asked with a semi-disgusted look on his face. He turned and showed the shirts to Katherine.

"Okay, bad, or badder?" He asked. Katherine fidgeted before answering.

"The dark colors suit you better." She sighed and Alariklaus nodded.

"Oh, thank you, honey. Okay, pop quiz. The dagger and white ash are in the Salvatores' possession, correct?" He asked, changing into the shirt.

"The dagger was used to try and kill Elijah. You'll find the dagger in the boarding house, but I don't know where Elijah is." Katherine hid what she knew about how attempting to kill Elijah had almost killed her favorite human in this town, Cherry Vanilla.

"Okay, that dagger needs to stay exactly where it is. I will need to find Elijah and make sure he doesn't intervene in this. Oh, that guy is a buzzkill." Alariklaus stated and Katherine sighed again.

"Don't forget you're on the outs with your girlfriend Jenna." She reminded him.

"Right. Elena's aunt. For all the lies about Isobel. What else?" Alariklaus asked and Katherine stiffened up.

"That's it." She stated as he moved closer and touched her face. She jumped a little, terrified.

"Oh, so jumpy." Alariklaus teased, darkly pleased at her fear.

"Please, just...kill me. I've told you everything that I know." She lied about the last part. She hadn't mentioned that Rose was still there or that Carina was Elijah's mate. Alariklaus put his hands on the armrests of the chair and looked her straight in the eye.

"You see, I believe that you believe that, but what would you not know? What could they be keeping from you? Hmm? Anything? Tell me." He compelled.

"They were trying to see if Bonnie could find a way to kill an Original without a dagger." She picked one and he frowned.

"Bonnie the best friend? I thought you said she didn't have her powers anymore." Alariklaus stated and she could see he was starting to get agitated.

"She doesn't or didn't. I don't know. You kidnapped me, remember? I'm kinda out of the loop." Katherine rambled.

"Well, we'll have to get to the bottom of that." He said, as he finished getting dressed.

"Please, just kill me, Klaus, and be done with it." Katherine begged.

"And show you kindness? I've searched for you for over 500 years. Your death is going to last at least half that long." Alariklaus laughed, pulling out a single-bladed pocketknife out and handing it out to Katherine.

"I want you to take this knife...And stab yourself." He ordered and she took the knife to stab it into her thigh. He watched with a look of grim pleasure on his face.

"Now take it out." He ordered so she took it out and the wound healed.

"Now while I'm gone, I want you to do that over and over and over again and if you get bored, switch legs." He instructed.

"Where are you going?" Katherine asked.

"I'm gonna go lay eyes on my precious doppelgänger." Alariklaus said before kissing her on the forehead. Katherine deflated at that.

"Oh, don't look so glum, Katerina. The fun is just beginning. Again." He said before leaving. Katherine then stabbed herself again.

Carina POV:

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