As I Lay Dying

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Damon took a bottle of scotch from the cabinet and poured himself a drink. He opened the curtains, let the sun shine upon his face, drunk some scotch and put the glass down on a table. He returned to the window, took off his ring and dropped it on the floor. He opened his arms and his skin burned but Stefan arrived and pushed him out of the sunlight. 

"Get off of me." Damon ordered. He couldn't go on a murderous rampage with the vampires in down at risk of exposure and he wasn't about to use Carina as a blood bank. 

"You're not doing this." Stefan stated, speeding him into the hallway. 

"Just did. You know what almost happened to Rose, Stefan. Elijah won't bring us a cure this time." Damon lied. He knew Carina would give him her blood, but she wasn't a blood bank. Stefan used his super speed and threw him into the cellar. 

"I don't care. You're not dying today." Stefan said, closing the door and locking it. He looked at Damon through the bars on the door while Damon remained on the floor, but turned to look at him. 

"What's the plan, Superman?" Damon asked, sarcastically. 

"I'm gonna find a way out of this." Stefan promised, feeling guilty. Damon had only been bitten by Tyler because he screwed up and then tried to fix. 

"Oh, right. A miracle cure. Good luck with that one." Damon muttered, covering for Carina. He didn't want anyone to know about her blood. That had been the agreement between him, Rose, and Elijah. 

"I got Bonnie looking for something, anything." Stefan assured. Damon rolled on to his back. 

"Always the hero, Stefan. Just tell me good-bye, get it over with." Damon sighed before he started coughing and rolled back onto his stomach. He then coughed up some blood on his hand. 

"Lie still. Conserve your strength." Stefan instructed and then he left. Damon spat the last of the blood out into his hand. 

Klaus woke up naked in the forest. He looked up at the sun and smiled. The memory of his beloved flower petting his fur and her sweet presence was enough to give him pleasant dreams for weeks. His wonderful thoughts where interrupted when someone threw him some clothes. He rolled his eyes and then turned his head to see that it was Finn and Elijah standing there.

"You've been busy." Elijah commented as Klaus stood up and stretched. 

"That was amazing. How long has it been?" Klaus asked, looking from one brother to the other. A wave of fondness he hadn't felt before towards Finn welled up, Finn had helped him with the ritual and saved him from both the Mystic Falls gang and Elijah. Bitterness welled up when he looked at Elijah, now he kind of knew how Finn felt there. Of all their siblings, Elijah had been the one Klaus least expected to betray him and yet he had. 

"Almost 2 days. Full moon came and went. You remained a wolf." Elijah explained as Klaus got dressed. 

"Would you like a scratch behind the ears, Niklaus?" Finn asked, only a hint of the mirth he was feeling escaped the calm expression. 

"I can change at will, then. It's good to know. I remember every single kill. And no, Finn, only Carina is allowed to scratch me behind the ears." Klaus said, also enjoying the look of shock on Elijah's face as Finn and Klaus spoke to each other without malice. 

"Yes, I've been cleaning up your little mess along the way." Elijah said and Finn coughed. 

"We, Elijah, not just you. We." Finn corrected and Klaus slapped Finn on the back and then Elijah after he finished getting dressed. 

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