By the Light of The Moon

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Carina POV:

Today was the day we meet Elijah officially at the Gilbert house and I, for one, was quite excited. Despite his much scarier in person antics and almost killing poor Rose, Elijah was still one of my favorite Originals. Right now, I was at the Grill with Jenna and Alaric who had somewhat gotten over the embarrassment of yesterday. Jenna was complaining about showing Elijah 'Smith' around. 

"So now I'm playing historical society hostess to some writer who's doing his book on small town Virginia." She ranted as Alaric and I exchanged amused glances. 

"Well that sounds..." Alaric tried, but was interrupted by Jenna. 

"Lame, yeah, but Carol Lockwood played the "dead husband" card, said she was too busy to deal. Plus, my sister kept most of the archives, so there you have it." She sighed and I smirked at her. 

"Come on, Jenna. Maybe this writer will be fun to look at." I teased and Alaric shot me an annoyed glance. Jenna laughed at me. 

"Maybe I'll set you up with him while he's here. You talk about me needing action, have you had any?" She teased and my cheeks pinked at that. She smiled and then kissed Alaric and left. I got up to join her as Tyler arrived and joined Caroline at a table. I then sat down again to listen in. 

"Hey." Tyler greeted, looking worried.

"Hey. What's wrong?" Caroline asked. 

"This girl Mason knows stopped by the house. She said he never made it back to Florida. My mom is freaking out and she was on the phone with your mom when I left." Tyler informed her and I exchanged confused glances with Ric. Mason had left Mystic Falls alive, had Klaus found him? Ric continued listening in as I had a miniature panic moment. Did this mean Rose would still die? 

"We should get going." Tyler sighed and Caroline nodded in agreement. 

"Yeah." She got up and shared a knowing look with Alaric. I got up afterwards and left, hoping to talk to Rose about leaving Mystic Falls temporarily or to warn her about Jules. I didn't manage to find her and I went home, hoping to be there with Elijah arrived because everyone else in this town had tunnel vision and I seemed to be the only one with common sense. 

"You should really lock your door." Damon joked as he walked in and I snorted at the look on Elena's face.

"Oh, come on, pouty. At least give me two points for ingenuity." Damon said. 

"Do you think this is funny?" Elena asked, angrily.

Yes Elena. I find hilarity in the lengths that I have to go to repeatedly save your life." Damon rolled his eyes and ruffled my hair. 

"Hey, Cherry Red. Rose sends her regards." He said and I tried not to feel ill. I had already liked Rose from when I watched the series, but now that I actually knew her and considered her a friend, I hated her death even more. 

"What does Stefan say about this?" Elena asked, thinking Stefan wouldn't agree to this.

"We had a good laugh." Damon lied. 

"And what did he say about Elijah still being alive?" Elena asked as Damon sat down next to me and put an arm behind my head. 

"Yeah, that...I didn't tell him." He admitted and I understood why. There was nothing Stefan could do so why worry him. 

"Why not?" Elena asked, not seeing the bigger picture. 

"Well A: he can't do anything about it; and B:...what I just said." Damon rolled his eyes at the same time I did. That's when Jeremy entered the room and sat down with us. 

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