Politically Incorrect - Chapter 6

Start from the beginning

“Don’t ask me out.” I didn’t have to let him finish to know where this was going.

“Why not?” He whined and I couldn’t help but smile from his puppy dog pout.

Because it could end very badly.”

“Listen, I’ll make you a deal. I’ll make sure both Ian and I behave if you go on one little measly date with me.” I gave him a look of shock and he kept pouting innocently.

“Stop looking cute.” I snapped and pursed my lips together, trying to keep from smiling. “All right! One date, but that’s it.” I sighed and he gave a triumphant smile. “This better be an amazing date though. The best date I’ve ever been on.” I demanded and he laughed.

“Yes ma’am. Tomorrow night at eight?”

“Fine. So, now that we’re done with that, are you staying at the palace?” He nodded, and smiled.

“Yes, the palace will have life once again!” He said dramatically and I shook my head. I had read a lot about Chad, but I didn’t think I would have to meet him for a while. He was very handsome, and I was having trouble looking away from his face. I felt a small flutter from the fact that he had just asked me out. However, I had to remember that my job was the first thing I had to think about and that nothing would get in its way.

“What’s going on here?” Ian was running up to us and Chad gave him a quick guy-hug before turning back to me.

“Why do guys always hug like that? Why can’t you hug normally?” I asked, but they ignored me. I rolled my eyes as they continued. I looked up at Ian with a questioning look. I still had no idea what he had meant by what he said earlier. I also wanted to know what I had done last night…

“I was just meeting Lana, and she agreed to go on a date with me.” Ian’s face contorted into an expression I couldn’t quite read, but it was tense.

“Really now?” He asked, tersely.

“Oh yes, I have the feeling that you and I are going to have some trouble though.” Chad said to me.

“What makes you say that?” I asked, sarcastically.

“Well, I think you need to loosen up some.” He slapped my butt which got him a quick slap across the cheek. Chad only smiled in response. “I like you.” I narrowed my eyes.

“You’re on my list.” Ian looked angry for a moment before he caught me watching him. “And I don’t need to loosen up. I’m just fine.” I added.

“Oh, she loosened up plenty last night.” Ian interjected, cracking his knuckles. “She got drunk and started a striptease on the bar.”

“I did not! I would never! Stop making up things!” I blurted, blushing.

“Really?” Chad seemed interested. “Then what?”

“She proposed to half the guys at the bar, including me! Of course when I refused, she started to beat me with her purse.” Ian continued, nonchalantly.

“Stop lying!” I shrieked, slapping his arm hard.

“And then she claimed her undying love for me. It was an interesting night for her. All in all though, I think we’re better off not letting it continue, no matter how much you want me Lana.” Ian finished and I felt my face heated not in anger, but irritation.

“I can do better anyway.” I muttered and Chad burst into laughter.

“Oh yes. I am definitely going to like you.” He put his arm around my shoulder and we walked off in the direction of the palace with Ian on my other side, his smirk now a frown.

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