injury [slug x white hat]

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~white hat's pov~

I heard the front doors open so I teleported down there to greet who it was I find slug who just came back after a mission. Though one of his goggle leans were broken and had blood surrounding it worried I say "welcome back slug! Are you okay that injury seems to be painful-" "I'm fine" he says rolling his eyes and walking off "slug wait up!" I say rushing off to catch up with him. "At least let me help with the injury" I say grabbing his wrist so he wouldn't keep walking. "ughhhhhh fine" slug replys and we walk off to his lab. In his lab I grab a med kit off a desk and dr. slug sits in his spinny chair "I am gonna need the bag and goggles to be off" I say smiling since that would be the first time I would see him with out the bag. "ugh fine but just this once" he says a little irritated but takes them off. Slug had short fluffy black hair a redish-brown eye and the other eye where the broken lens and blood was seemed to be slightly blinded he had a few freckles on his cheeks though not many and they weren't very noticeable his only flaw was the scars scattered on his face. I didn't notice I was starring at him in awe and blushing [the blush is more blue then red btw] "staring is quite rude" slug said annoyed and grabbing the med kit out of my hand. "Oh!" I snap back to reality and start helping slug treat his injury.

~dr. slug's pov~

I noticed white hat was starring making me blush slightly but it wasn't noticeable 'shit since when was he so cute?' I thought before saying "starring is quite rude" in a cold annoyed tone. White hat seemed to snap back saying "Oh!" before helping with the injury I got while on a mission. after we had finished I felt the warmth of arms being wrapped around my back I looked down noticing it was white hat hugging me probably since I did get injured though he does know I don't like touching all that much. I didn't protest, push him away, or anything I just stared at him quietly. after the hug white hat left leaving a note on my desk. I pick up the note it read 'Your actually pretty cute with out the bag on - white hat'  I blushed slightly before putting the bag back on and a new pair of goggles on as well. I spaced out for a little before eventually falling asleep at my desk.

~white hat's pov~

I desided to check on dr. slug so I walked down to his lab where I found him sleeping which made me blush quite a lot I just simply teleported him to his bed to sleep before leaving to go back to my office smiling and slightly blushing still.

A/N: I didn't really know how to end that but there you go! A dr. slug x white hat oneshot for the 4th story I hope you guys enjoyed the story!

word count: 524

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