1st time

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[SMUT WARNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!]

~3nd person pov~

black hat and dr flug had been dating for around a year and a half but tonight was the night they'd have some fun in bed. Dr. flug was quiet nervous but also excited he was still a virgin which is kinda sad for his age but that is going out of the window after tonight. 

~dr. flug's pov~

I was messing around with a ray gun waiting patently for night to arrive and dementia and 505 to go to bed. 

~slight time skip~

My mind was already running by the time I had put 505 and dementia to bed. By the time I arrived at black hat's bedroom door he was already inside wearing only boxers probably waiting for me to come before taking them off. I blushed deeply at the slight and stepped in "h-hey!" I said wanting to make my presence known but not thinking of how I could. "Oh hello there darling~" black hat replied lust mixed into his voice. I somehow managed to blush harder as I got over to the bed already in my boxers only. black hat gets on top of me his hands holding my wrists above my head and he proped him self up in a plank or push-up prosion before leaning down lifting up my bag and starting a make out seshion. I felt tentakles taking off my boxers and noticed the tentakles were doing the same with black hat after the tentakles were gone I realized how large black hat's member was come pared to mine though it was also decently sized. my bag was also taken off.

~black hat's pov~

after the make out seshion I started to pump flug's member which was actually decently sized which was kinda supersizing to me though bigger the better after a few minutes I started pushing flugs head down on my own member slightly grunting every few minutes mean while flug moans around once every few minutes. when he was done I started slipping my member into his ass earning a decently loud moan from flug. I started thrusting and flug was still a moaning mess he was also a tomato due to how red he was it was cute. I started biting at flug's neck still thrusting and speeding up a little flug was moaning around every few seconds at this point he was quite noisy in bed but I didn't mind. after a little bit longer I started pumping his member with one of my tentakles and soon enough we both came. after words we just desided to head to bed snuggling "t-that was a-amazing. ." flug said before falling asleep in my arms.

A/N: well uh okay that was the 3nd story ahem so yeah sorry if this wasn't very good it was my first time writing this kinda thing but I did try my best! Besides I wanted to give you guys a differant story since the last two were most of fluff stories so uh yeah.

word count: 500

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