Forgiveness = Sacrifices

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"Who the hell does he think he is," I yelled to the emptiness in front of me. Cole had just left me in his room a few minutes ago. The argument that me and Cole just had replayed in my head. Just thinking about his stupid fucking joke about "southern hospitality" made me mad. "What the fuck is wrong with him...," I said while struggling to get off his bed. I finally managed to get up and lean on the bed post. "UGGH!" I squeezed the bridge of my nose and tried to calm down. I took a deep breath and felt more irrated. "Ugh," I yelled and flopped back down on his bed.

I looked up at his ceiling and saw a painting. It was beatuiful. It had to be one of the prettiest paintings I ever saw. The painting was a red heart that was bleeding. A golden arrow was piercing through it. The head of the arrow was facing down and it entered the heart on the right. The golden arrow had golden feathers on the back as well. The heart had a pair of huge white angel wings and a glowing black halo. The painting reminded me of Cole in so many ways. I put my hands on my face and whispered through the spaces in my fingers, "Why must I hate the one person I finally have feelings for. Ugh..." I rolled over on my side pulled my knees in close to my chest. "Why does he hate me?" Slowly tears started drizzling down my face.

After a moment, I heard the door open a footsteps come into the room. It was Lillie. Dammit. She came and sat on the bed next to me. Her wieght made the bed sink in. She grabbed my shoulder and i rolled on my side to face her. She wiped my tears of my face and make a movement that signaled me to follow her. I got myself together and followed her. THe whole time she didnt say anything to me but for some reason i felt save by her. We went to her room, which was an exact replica of Cole"s only everything was white. 

"Listen honey. I understand how much you hate us but you cant just up and leave. NOw i want to shower up. we are having geusts tonight. I dont want to fooling around." She walked to get towels for me. "Here are some towels. and youre dress is in the closet. you have 10 minutes. Dont make me wait."

Lillie walked out the room and slammed the door behind her. I went to lock the door then without any hesitation I went into her bathroom to take a shower. The water felt so warm on my body as I slowly washed every bit of it. I didnt take a long shower in fear that they might come in and beat me. 

After my shower i grabbed my dress. It was beautiful. It was all pink and it was cinderella style. I had white matching glove and all white heels to match those. I quickly got dressed and walked down the strairs. I was stopped in my tracks half way down. I was met by my worst nightmare. Just kill me now. 

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