That gave them some breathing room.

"Any ideas how to win?" Reyna asked as she caught her breath. "You look awful by the way."

Annabeth waved her comment off. "For now, no."

"So, what? We're just gonna keep fighting until they eventually run us over?"

"No. We're gonna keep fighting until Percy defeats Gaia."

"You're putting way too much faith on that man."

"Well, he's our best bet." Annabeth argued. "Unless you have some form of power that could obliterate a Primordial."

"Fine." Reyna grumbled. "Guess we just have to rumble a little longer."

"Rumble? Really?" Annabeth judged her choice of word.

"Shut up."

Line Break

Lucia had to admit, fighting with people who knew how to fight felt insanely good. Although Jason and Bianca wasn't as in sync as when she was fighting alongside Percy, they still had good chemistry.

Also Jason kept summoning lightning bolts, which was cool as hell.

While Jason and Bianca took turns on facing Gaia directly, Lucia did what she did best which is being agile and moving around Gaia and strike her when she's preoccupied.

Gaia was not an easy foe to beat. Especially since she kept creating these earth golems. Sure, they're easy to destroy but they make it hard to fight Gaia.

Lucia sliced the head of a golem off and then roundhouse kicked another before poking Gaia's backside with her rapier. Gaia growled and spun around to try and catch Lucia only to be met with another strike from Jason.

With Gaia being an immortal, their attacks were doing little to her. They hurt her, sure, but she heals just as fast as she was injured.

So the best they can do was keep her busy while Percy try to recover his energy.

"You insolent pests!" Gaia growled. "Get off me!"

Jason replied Gaia with another lightning bolt that sent the Primordial flying. Bianca waved her hand and the ground shook gently as a crack opened up, making way for skeletons to crawl out and join the fight.

The skeletons weren't strong and could crumble with just a gust of wind, but they did enough to be a nuisance to the Primordial of the Earth.

Lucia saw her chance and pounced at Gaia, hoping to catch her off guard. But instead, she was the one caught by surprise when Gaia spun around with a murderous glare and stretched her hand out.

Her hand stretched out and transformed into a giant dirt version of a hand that was big enough to grip Lucia's whole body in her fist. Lucia yelped in pain as she tried squirming free, but to no avail.

"Lucia!" Jason shouted as he rushed over towards her, but Gaia started to send dozens of golems to slow his progress.

"Finally got you." Gaia snarled at Lucia. Then she took a whiff of the air. "A child of Poseidon? Perfect. I want to see the look on your brother's face as I tear you from limb to limb."

"Well, technically he's my half brother." Lucia croaked out.

"Hmph. Let's see if you can keep your sense of humor after I- ack!"

Gaia's back exploded after Jason struck her with a lightning bolt. Through smoke, Bianca jumped forward and buried her knives deep into Gaia's shoulder. The Primordial howled in pain. Despite all that, her grip on Lucia didn't loosen.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2023 ⏰

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