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The battle grew harder by the hour. Annabeth didn't know how Gaia had managed to gather so many troops, but she did it.

There seems to be a few hour intervals in between each attack with varying difficulties to each one.

After the initial one, they got attack by a horde of hellhounds. After that, a group of empousa. Then, dwarf monsters that reminded Annabeth of goblins.

The worst one yet were the two massive drakons. They suffered heavy losses in that fight. Thankfully, the Romans came just in time to save the day but the casualties were still immense. It took a good hour before they could defeat both drakons.

After all that fighting, the Grace siblings were probably the ones that suffered the most. Both Thalia and Jason had been in charge in leading their own squadron in battle and hadn't had a moment's rest after the initial attack. Even during the break between each attack, they were busy tending the wounded.

Jason and Thalia almost got into a fight with Annabeth when she was forcing them to get some rest while they insisted that they were fine.

Percy wasn't doing too well either. He knew he could've made these battles way easier for his friends, but unfortunately these were not his battles. His battle is with Gaia, which is quickly approaching since dawn will be arriving at any minute.

Right now, Annabeth was all out of ideas. Not only did she joined the fight in the front lines, she had the immense task of defeating Gaia's forces with limited resources and time.

Right now, her eyes were fixed on the horizon. The sky was still dark, but it should be a few minutes before sunrise. None of them had that much sleep since they had to be ready for battle.

Annabeth should be thinking and brainstorming on how they would win the battle. But instead, her mind wandered to the life after this, after all of this is over and assuming they made it.

She'd probably continue on with her life. Being in college and working as Olympus' architect. Probably join a sports club since she hadn't been one for sports.

Then her mind wandered to Percy. After this, where would he go? Would he stay here? Annabeth would hope so. Despite her being not too sure about their relationship, having him around comforts her in a way that she can't explain. It's like seeing her favourite color. Seeing him makes her feel good.

Percy had told her how close the two of them were before. She knew that Percy's expecting for her to reciprocate that feeling, but it was difficult. She believed him and she trusts him, but it was still overwhelming. She needed time to process everything.

Maybe, when this is over and they're all still alive, she can finally give him her answer.

Annabeth smiled at the thought. At least there's something interesting to look forward to.

Then, she heard rumbling from a distance. She had half expected it at this point. An enemy attack.

Annbeth climbed up Half-Blood Hill and mentally cursed.

"Fuck." Thalia said next to her. "Undead soldiers."

Monsters were one thing, but undead soldiers? That's trouble.

An undead soldier is basically that, a soldier that has been partially brought back to life. They're like zombies, if zombies could fight and swing swords. Normally, they're weak and any adept swordsman could easily defeat one. But if there's an army of them, that's a different story.

Also, they can't die unless you burn or crush their bones to dust. Until that happens, they'll just keep coming back.

So imagine an undying army that never gets tired and doesn't feel pain.

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