She didn't say anything to him, instead she reached out shaking fingers and touched his face. She stared at him, as if to memorize his face. "Who are you?" she whispered, voce harsh from coughing.

"Don't talk honey. Just focus on breathing." he encouraged, stroking her face with his fingers. He couldn't see it, but his wings were no longer the beautiful, radiant white they once were, but instead a dusky black colour. A Guardian whom had failed.

"Who?" Elonore repeated, weak but insistent.

Gavin smiled at her spirit. "I'm your Guardian Angel sweety." he explained.

She opened wide eyes at him. "Oh." she started coughing again, chest sore.

"I need to go. Your friends are getting a parent and you're on your way to the hospital. Be more careful sweety. Even Guardian Angels can run a bit late." he joked and stepped away from her. It wasn't hard to dazzle her thoughts and make his presence a dream. He slipped out of that moment and Elonore's friends rushed over and fussed with her, unaware of how she'd managed to esacpe alive.

Gavin watched the little girl until he felt a Summoner approach him. The Summoner was a being that didn't operate in reality that humans could see. But it stood near Gavin, letting the last traces of Gavin's corporeal self fall away.

You're going to have to deal with the punishment. It warned him, voice neutral. They were uncorruptible, perfect police, rarely ever needed. And Gavin wasn't about to complain. He'd screwed up, big time. He'd let all the corrupting sins of the flesh lure him in and a little girl almost paid the price. He'd known that someday he might not come out of top, but it had never occured to him that an innocent might suffer in his place.

Take me there. I am guilty as charged and grateful that a Higher Authority stepped in to correct my error. Gavin submitted, ashamed. As the Summoner pulled Gavin out of the physical world to the incorporeal one, Gavin only briefly wondered what would happen to the child now.


Elonore was in the back of an ambulance. There was a mask slid over her face and she felt so tired but they wouldn't let her sleep. Mrs. King was in the ambulance with Elonore, crying and holding her hand. She was gongi on and on over how sorry she was and how upset and that Elonore's mom was on her way to the hospital to meet them.

Elonore's mind wandered, running over the schedule her family kept to. Friday night meant her dad was out with his buddies, playing poker. Mom was at home, relaxing from a long week, letting dad get some adult time away from Elonore.

Little Elonore was drifting off, into a half sleep state. She'd felt something... weird happen earler. When her dream man came to save her. He'd done something.... she couldn't remember what but it'd changed her. She drifted, body shutting down into healing sleep and her mind wandered, leaving her body behind.

She followed a bright string on her heart. Chasing it down to find what tied her in such a fashion. It was a beautiful golden braid, and Elonore followed it a long and twisting route. As she crept closer, worry and panic washed over her, foreign and dirty. She saw her mom, driving quickly in the car. She was anxious and worried about her baby girl. She wiped a tear off her cheek and never saw the moving truck that she bashed into.

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