We headed to the main floor where we told Caitlin we would meet her. To my surprise, Logan was down there waiting for us already. I was halfway expecting him to skip out.

"You don't look like you have been working out." Paige teases Logan. "What have you been up to?"

"I didn't workout." He states what we already know. "I went for a walk and then came back here. I've been watching Skip and Shannon talk non stop about the dumb Cowboys for three hours."

"Why on earth are you guys talking about the Cowboys?" Caitlin walks up to us.

She gives Paige a hug and then gives me one. When it was my turn, I held on to her a little longer as I just missed her. She pushed us away these past couple of weeks and I just really needed this hug.

The four of us head out of the hotel and walk towards a local diner that is in walking distance.

The walk there was quiet. As we were seated at our table, Logan sat beside me and Caitlin sat beside Paige.

This causes Paige to look at me and mouth the words "told you".

"So how did your last practice go?" I ask Caitlin as I browse through the menu.

I heard a laugh escape her lips and it made my heart feel whole. Again, I've missed her.

"Well, practice was fine for the soccer aspect." I notice a tint of pink forming on her cheek. "But, McKenna told coach I gave Peyton a hickey in front of everyone so now my teammates know."

I look at Caitlin who surprisingly looks very calm.

"How do you feel about that?" Paige asks this time.

Caitlin takes a deep breath. "Honestly, I am fine with it. It's been exhausting running from my feelings these past couple of months and I don't want to hide anymore."

Caitlin looked at both of us and continued talking.

"I don't like who I've been through all of this. I was confused and battling myself. I don't like how I treated you guys, especially since you guys are the ones who know what I am going through the most. I am really sorry."

My eyes go straight to Paige. We share a loving smile as we both turn our attention back to Caitlin.

I reach my hand across the table and put it on hers. "You don't need to be sorry. Like you mention, we understand. We love you."

This causes Logan to butt in. "You are going to let her off the hook that easily?" He huffs. "She has been a bitch to everyone and not to mention she was probably having sex with Peyton last night. You think it's fine just because she is gay like you two?"

My eyes widened in complete disbelief at his outburst. "Logan!"

"Peyton and I have not had sex." Caitlin quickly clarifies.

"Whatever." He grumbles.

"Logan." I say again. "What is wrong with you? You didn't seem right last night when we saw you making out with McKenna and now you are calling your sister the b word. What is happening?"

Before Logan could say anything, Caitlin cuts in. "You were making out with McKenna?"

"They are dating, didn't you know?" I say.

McKenna POV

Since Peyton is still at the field with Katie and Caitlin doing the media interview, I hurry back to our room to get in and out.

Coach gave the team the options to meet for lunch, eat on their own or with your parents if they are around. The only catch is if you don't eat with the team you have to send him a text showing him what you are eating. I don't think he cares what we eat. I think he wants to make sure we eat.

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