Chapter 19

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Maude chewed the inside of her cheeks, unsure of what to do. She was currently with Allen outside of the airport. He'd told her something about his company calling him back for a meeting, so he was going to spend the weekend in another city. She and Donald came to accompany him to the airport, and now she and Allen were saying their farewells.

But she didn't have experience with saying goodbye to someone with meaning, so Maude felt lost. What do people usually do? Say bye and hug? Beg him to stay? Cry a little?  She shook her head. She didn't feel like doing any of those things.

To get a hint, she looked around. Not too far away, a couple were embracing. To Maude's disbelief, the teary female asked things like "Do you have to go?" and "I'm going to look at your photos every day!"

Maude shuddered. She'd rather be shot dead than forced to say that. Instead, she turned to Allen and did what felt right for the moment. She lectured him. "Alright, listen close. Don't forget to take your vitamins, stay hydrated, don't eat too much chocolate, and if you ever feel sad..." she paused to grin, "go ahead and shed a few tears."

Allen laughed at her words, feeling like she was saying this more for herself than him. "Got it. Then you make sure to do the same."

Maude ignored him and continued.

Allen looked at the fierce-expressioned female and felt the urge to gently pat her head.

Feeling him stroke her hair, Maude immediately froze up and paused.

"I'll keep all you said in mind," Allen said, pulling his mask up. "Make sure not to get into any fights while I'm not around, okay? If you need to bother someone and I'm not picking up, just go to Helen."

Maude's head bobbed in subconscious agreement.

Allen smiled at her obedient look and patted her head one last time. "Alright then, this is goodbye. Don't miss me too much," he stated then walked away.

Maude waved with a dazed expression. Only after he left, did she finally snap back and headed to the car. But as soon as she saw Donald, her expression soured.

"You know where to go," she said in a curt tone. Doesn't he have some kind of a job to get to?

But in his head, there was only one thought spinning around. She... talked to me?! My idol talked to me! My life is now complete! "Right away!" He turned the car on and drove back to the hotel.

Maude sighed. What should I do this weekend? She thought back to what he'd told her. Maybe I really should go bother Helen.

Meanwhile, Allen scanned his flight pass and walked to the plane's first class. Some time later, they were in the air.

Allen watched the flight attendant as she rolled her cart by, reminded of when he and Maude first flew together. What was it that she said? That the food provided was only a mere snack? He smiled at the memory before lowering his seat to sleep.

As he lay, he remembered the reason he was flying. His expression hardened.

Allen was supposed to meet with his company's CEO. The summons were no doubt a result of his manager's prattling. In any case, a visit is due. It's time to leave that hellhole. His biggest mistake was signing with that company.

The CEO was a crafty man. Taking advantage of Allen's ignorance back then, he had tricked Allen into signing after realizing the possible profit.

Now Allen was the most sought after artist, bound under the confining contract.

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