Chapter 5 - Allen

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Allen was in the middle of sweeping when his phone vibrated in his pocket. He took it out, pausing when it displayed his personal assistants' call ID: Manager. After letting the phone ring for a bit, he rested his chin on the end of the broom and swiped the green button.

The person on the other end of the phone spoke first. "Hold on! Don't hang up yet."

Allen stopped hovering above the red. "Hurry up. I'm busy right now."

Swallowing his pride, the assistant forced the tone of his voice to remain stable. The company would have his head if Allen so much as complained about him. "Right. I wanted to ask how you've been doing."

"Get to the point," Allen cut him short. "I already told you to avoid calling me unless it's because the company went bankrupt."

"Fine. I was told to inform you about an offer to appear as a guest. You won't need to do much, just show your face and talk a bit."

"You already know my answer." Allen switched the phone to his other ear. "Reject all other future offers as well. This is a rare vacation and I plan to spend it without wasting a single second."

The assistant scoffed internally. His patience had run out, causing him to temporarily say something out of place. "You'd do best to remember you can't run away from our company forever. You're lucky the CEO was kind enough to approve your temporary vacat—"

Allen hung up the phone and put it away. As soon as he resumed sweeping, his phone rang again. This time it was Helen. "Hello?"

The contrast in his tone was as different as night and day.

"Hello indeed! I'm not disturbing you, am I dear?" she asked, her sweet voice bringing warmth with it.

"Not at all." Allen put away the broom. He had a feeling she wasn't calling to say hi.

"Perfect! Then next time you see that old crone," her voice changed instantly, "tell her that I signed her up for the upcoming flower competition! And make sure to mention that there's a $20,000 dollar fee for not showing up!"

"Sure, I can do that."

"Thank you dear! Oh and make sure to come on time. We're having a celebration feast tonight!" She hummed with delight, before hanging up.

Allen debated telling Maude the news over the phone or in person.

He knew exactly what Helen did, calling him. She passed a ticking bomb to Allen and asked him to deliver it straight into the den of a tiger. Surprisingly, he didn't mind.

He came to this city for two reasons. One was because Helen had been asking him to visit for quite some time. The second was for personal business that couldn't be held off any longer. That was the main reason. Coincidentally, the situation allowed him to kill two birds with one stone.

After he met up with his associates, Allen planned to leave the city. That was the original plan.

But then Maude came into the picture. Allen was paying back a favor he owed Helen. Even he didn't understand why she interested him. Perhaps it was her straightforwardness, something rarely seen in the people he was surrounded by.

She's the same as since the last time I saw her, yet is still so difficult to read. So confusing. Thinking of Maude reminded him of Helen's request and how he needed to tell Maude the "joyous" news.

Allen sighed. There's probably going to be an apocalypse tonight. He put away the apron Maude insisted he wear and hung it up. Then he grabbed his keys, locked up, and drove away.

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