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Jumping rock to rock, the eight-year-old held their arms out wide to balance themself, their yellow cotton gloves covered their flexing fingers. Hopping up they walked slowly, one foot in front of the other, careful not to slip on either side of the short cobbled wall.

The yellow bucket-hat atop their head was enough to keep the sun out of their face, but did nothing to move their brown bangs from their dark eyes. Their mud-boots which matched their hat was caked with dried dirt and stained green in some parts.

"My child, please be careful."

The hushed tone which was laced with a sigh came from the child's guardian. A female monster garbed in layered silk cloths of rich shimmering purples which hid the dark natural armor around her furred body. Her horns curled to match with her face-covering; which resembled that of the head of a dark purple scarab beetle. It did little to hide her tired expression as the child with almond-colored skin went against her wishes by doing a messy half-cartwheel on the stonewall.

   Toriel sometimes wondered how you ever managed to deal with Frisk for so many years by yourself. From what she could recall back in the underground, hours after Frisk was put to bed, you'd tell her stories of the surface. How you had been dubbed as their "babysitter" since Frisk was about two, due to being good friends with their only guardian at the time—their grandfather. You mentioned working with him for a few years before he retired, which explained how you knew the family so well. She didn't have to ask since it was obvious from the way you spoke he must have passed recently before the two of you fell into the ruins.

   When she asked you if Frisk had always been so rambunctious, which was prompted after the two of you watched the child chase the panicked Froggits that made the poor decision of agreeing to play tag with them all while laughing like a menace. Your response was only a fond grin and snicker, while muttering how she should have seen Frisk when they would refuse to go to bed—that was the prime time of when they would be truly chaotic.

   She held out her furred arms; in some spots through parted fur, however, were obsidian colored spikes that smoothed at the ends, they looked similar to an insect's tarsal spurs and claws; which were revealed once past the long silk violet sleeves of her dress.

   Frisk took that as a sign to get down from the wall and take their current guardian's large paw. The child in overalls skipped forward, dragging and pulling at their mother's hand. The ex-queen's movements were barely quickened by it, but she chuckled at the child's determined effort.

Frisk started jumping and tugging even harder at their mother's paw the closer they got to a cozy cottage covered in greenery. Flowers and other well cared for plants gleamed in the sunlight as they bordered the stone pathways that led up to the pretty house.

Glancing upward, Frisk's face broke out into a smile, one which was missing at least two teeth. They pat the monster's arm before pointing up at the sky. The mix of a goat and beetle woman barely tilted her head in time to see a lanky figure drop from the blue sky to gently plant their feet into the dirt a few feet away. Large rusty colored wings fluttered gently behind them. The bright wings consisted of bright shades of oranges, yellows, reds along with light purples and greens mixed with dusty blacks. The top tips of the beautiful wings curled out to give the illusion of snake heads.

   Long fluffy orange antennae sprouted from the approximately 7'1'' foot skeleton's skull. Bright orange fluff spilled out from under his two-tailed ruby red scarf. The chest-plate he wore was a dusty obsidian color, with gold trimmings and orange-red fur lined the ends of the armor where it lead towards the arms. His arms were covered in thin red arm warmers while his hands were graced by black and yellow gloves. His bottom half however was simply covered by orange mud boots, brown slacks and the same dusty colored kneepads. The parts of his arms which were revealed had intricate patterns that mimicked that of the patterns on an Atlas moth's wings.

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