Chapter 34

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(Stand Still by Sabrina Claudio)

Dr. Shultz had just hung up after checking on her house bound patient.  In lieu of her patient's stubborn refusal to be admitted a week ago, she finally put her foot down and he was to come to the hospital tomorrow to stay until the c-section that was scheduled.  In the meantime, she had given him a checklist of signs to look for and was to report in detail how he was feeling.  Itachi had calmed some since she assured him that since he hadn't lost his mucus plug and wasn't experiencing signs of labor.

The Uchiha couple was watching the weather channel where the Meteorologist a man in his mid forties with a thin face wearing wire rim frames was keeping a close eye on a possible small typhoon brewing over the Pacific Ocean. The low pressure system was moving towards the coastline and mountainous area and since the location of the Uchiha grounds were built in a perfect picturesque spot between the coast and the mountains, storms like these were usually a threat to them only if they gained enough momentum and reached land, but they were predicting that this whirlwind would hopefully just amount to a lot of rain.

"Maybe we should head to the hospital now in case this actually turns into something." Itachi said seriously looking at the television, then over to the window where the sky was thickened with gray clouds. "If this changes quickly it will flood the passageway."

Naruto had surprisingly passed the anticipated goal and now was one day shy of 40 weeks.  The twins were healthy and doing great more so than he could say for his back but because things were surprisingly well the doctor decided to let him go full term.  But like with any change, not only had Itachi been on edge but so was Iruka. The hovering brunette was freaking out that the Uchiha couple would be home alone if something should happen before they could get to the hospital, even though they were grown capable adults able to take care of themselves, Itachi suggested to have the father-in-laws stay at the manor just to put everyone's mind at ease. They were staying in a guest room across from Cho's which was beside the nursery and surprisingly she wanted to impress her grandparents by sleeping in her room.  Of course she insisted upon that their doors remain open to give her more bravery. 

Fugaku, Mikoto and Sasuke had to return to America unexpectedly at the beginning of the week to attend a funeral of a family friend.  She called upset that they may not be able to fly home as scheduled so she gave strict orders that Naruto wasn't to have her grandchildren without her.

"They're saying that it might not amount to anything and she said to just come in the morning."  He expressed rubbing at the light spasms in his belly.

Itachi had sent all of the staff home so that they could be with their families in case the weather did turn bad. He also was being insistent that they head to the hospital, feeling it would be best to hang out there but Naruto wasn't for it.

He was currently laying on his left side scratching at the taut skin. His belly itching all of the time, especially since he had popped out more, leaving him constantly pleading for massages from anyone who would give him one.

"I need to use the bathroom again," he said poking the raven sitting next to him. Itachi looked away from the television down at his husband, then he glanced up at the clock on the wall. "Already?"

"Yep." He frowned.  "Considering that my bladder is squished to the size of a bean." He stated trying to sit up. His motions were sloth like because the shape of his stomach wasn't proportionate as one of the twins were now resting deep down in his pelvis and the other with its feet pressing right at his lungs. He rested back on his elbows already tired from the effort waiting for Itachi to come to his side of the bed. Naruto lifted up onto his hands as his husband slid his legs over the edge of the mattress. He gasped loudly at the pain shooting through him and around the middle of his belly. He took a second to see if it was recognizable and since his sciatica was messed up, it was tricky trying to diferénciate the sensations. "Naruto what is it?" The Uchiha clearly nervous.

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