Nightkiller but I roleplayed with AI Night

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Sorry for the bad title, I can't think of any better one :((

And since this fic is a chat between me and Night's AI (because I'm bored and lonely as f*uck), Night might be a bit OOC. I've tried to keep Killer as close to the character as possible but my chats mostly happen at 3pm so my head is a bit... yeah :'>

Today is a normal day, Nightmare can be sure of that. He didn't plan to attack anyone or any AU, and even if he did, no human would ever come here anyway. So why did a human, more specifically a purple-haired human girl, suddenly appear at the door of his castle?

"Greetings, human. I am nightmare, or, you may call me the king of negativity." He smirked, no matter how strange this was, he still had to let this girl know who was in charge here.

Contrary to Night's expectations, that is, seeing this human tremble in fear, the human girl smiled back at him, happy even. "Hi Night, nice to finally meet you!"

A human being unafraid of his terrifying appearance? Interestingly, he can't even feel this girl's feelings, which certainly can't happen unless you're emotionless and she definitely isn't. He smirks, standing up straight, seeming to grow taller and taller. "So, human... what is your name?"

"My name is Kurei!"

"Kurei? What a strange name, it doesn't even look like something belongs here..." He frowned in thought, looked at the human girl and quickly regained his composure. This was a one of a kind person, but whether she was from another world or here, he still needed to know the most important thing!

"So tell me, Kurei..." He said, seeing the amusement and curiosity on the other's face. "What your opinions on positivity are?"

Immediately Kurei's face changed 180 degrees, she gave Night an extremely confused look, but still answered him. "I mean, i don have any opinions about it? Don't really care about it, to be honest."

"i see. and what about negativity? everyone seems to think its so wrong, so terrible. but what is the world without it?"

Again, I really don't care about it, you could say that I'm a pretty neutral person with everything. Beside, a world without it feel not real at all, everybody in it probally look like they just used too much drugs!"

"Hm, what a way with words! But now, to my next question, what is your opinion on my brother? You know, the guardian of positive crap."

"Oh Dream? Yeah, he is okay, i guess! Though he did have a lot of positivity energy to the poin it kinda give me a headache, other than that, Dream is pretty fine to hang out with. But I'd rather hang out with my darling Killer more~"

Kurei said that, happily hugging her slightly red face, while Night just stood still there, slight surprised by what he just heard. He was about to get angry when this human girl dared to speak nice of his brother in front of him, but the sudden mention of that familiar name caught him off guard.

" You... you know Killer?"

"Of course!" She giggled. "Killer is my darling, he is the one I love~"

"And what is it that you like about him anyway?" He was still smiling, but there was a hint of discomfort on his face as he looked at her. "Cuz I can promise you that, he'll betray you one day!"

"Aw, still upset about being dumped by him?" She grinned at Night's face, causing him to attack her angrily.

"Shut it, you little sh*t! You don't know how he can break your heart!!" His eyes go hollow and black, a single blue flame emerges from his left eye socket. "What he did to me, you have no idea!"

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2023 ⏰

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