Killer want a hug + i want too :(

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Yeah, I haven't written much lately because I'm lazy and I just joined the DreamSMP fandom :v
It's funny how out of all the fandoms I'm in, DreamSMP is probably the fandom I'm afraid angst most... and angst is my belove in all fandoms. :'D.

Dream SMP give me so much pain so I'm here, write fluff to cure my soul :(
Also because it's my birthday, I'm 20 years old now, yay :> (I'm so close to death right now, lmao)


Killer want a hug

Yes, you didn't read it wrong, Killer really wants a hug and you're probably wondering why he wants a hug right?  Well, that's also what he's been asking himself right now, at 2 o'clock, in the middle of the night, for the fucking past 5 days.

_ Ugh!! It's so annoying!!!

Complaining was the only thing he could do on nights like this.  It didn't really matter at first, he could just ignore it and go on with his normal bloody life, but it kept him awake for 5 days, for god sake. If he didn't do anything about this and let his body rest, the next day against the other Star Sans would most likely be his funeral.

Right now, Killer doesn't understand why or what has happened that makes him suddenly want to "hug someone", I mean, he has no feelings at all, things like this don't often happened to him so he has absolutely no knowledge of it at all!!!

_ Oke oke! Killer, you need to calm down and think fast, let's see... I want to be hugged so what I need to do now is go hug someone or be hugged by someone, I don't know, lmao who hug is fine right now!!!  I don't care, as long as it's satisfying enough for me to go to sleep, then it fine!!!

It doesn't seem like it's okay to deal with it calmly, but at least there are some solutions, in order to sleep, he now has to find someone to hug (or opposite, lmao, whatever).  Well, it sounds simple enough, even a kid can come up with it, but the problem is that unlike a kid who can hug whoever they want, he had absolutely no idea who he wanted to hug.  It's true that he's hugged a lot of people (and opposite) during the past few days but it hasn't changed a thing!!

_ I tried hugging Dust, Horror yesterday, Dream, Cross and Ink tried it too so it's definitely not them! Color always hugs me every time he see me and I definitely don't like it to the point of losing sleep over it! It can't be Error, he'll definitely kill me if I hug him, so what's left is...

His mind stopped at the thought of that person, Nightmare.  It's been a long time since they talked to each other, it's not like they didn't say a word to other, it's just that except when talking about missions, they hardly talked to each other. Nightmare was always avoiding him and he wasn't emotional enough to care about that... or at least that's what he remembered.

_ Heh, We've talked a lot... don't know what happened! It doesn't matter anyway, now I need to find a way to sleep!!

Killer leaned back against the bed, crossed his arms over his chest, thinking.  Nightmate is the only one he hasn't hugged (or been hugged) but he can see hugging him is clearly a stupid thing to do, Nightmare is the guardian of negative emotions and "hug" is a  something that's mostly about positive emotions so he definitely won't like that action at all.  Yes, Killer knew he didn't like it and it was pointless to try to hug him, but for some reason or something happened a small part of him still wanted to try and hug him, why was he suddenly contradicting with himself like this ?

_ This is so annoying, I want to go to sleep!!!... Haiz, maybe I should go see Night and tell him to get rid of this "want to hug" thing!

He sighed, slapping his cheeks twice, and started crawling onto the bed.  Nightmare was probably still in his room at this hour or maybe in the library, depending on what he was doing.  It's nice to have a body that doesn't get tired, unlike his pathetic body, you can see that even though he never gets tired (because he can't feel anything, duh) but his body does and if his body is not rested it can make him faint at any moment, don't ask how it works because he doesn't know anything either, he knows about a lot of things but biology is definitely not among them.

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