maid day in Killer birthday

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Here's a little oneshot talk about why Killer has twice as many fanart in maid clothes as the other characters and most of it is from Japan :v


On a normal morning like any other, Horror and Dust sat down to eat breakfast together after cooking breakfast for everyone, as usual. After all, they're the only people in this place who can cook something edible.

_ Agh!! Why the hell are those two always so late!!!

Dust complained angrily, Horror also got tired of waiting and wanted to sleep more, waking up at 8am to cook like this is too tiring. To get rid of this boredom, Horror immediately looked for something else to talk about.

_ Dust! Did you know there is a day called Maid day?

_ Maid day?

_ Looks like it's a day for maids in Japan! I saw it posted online yesterday, it said that every 10/05 people will wear maid clothes to take pictures or do anything with maids!

_ Heh! Sounds interesting, but... May 10, it's Killer's birthday, right?

As if realizing something, Horror looked at the calendar. It is true that May 10 is Killer's birthday, more importantly, today is also May 10. Realizing this, Dust thought for a few seconds and thought of something very interesting.

_ Horror! I know what we should do today!

_ What?

Dust approached and whispered to Horror, and when they heard it, they both laughed wickedly. Looks like Killer's birthday is going to be fun... with Dust and Horror.

After a while, Killer, who had just woken up, quickly ran into the kitchen to look at the other two and said loudly:

_ Yeah! It's my birthday today!! Where is my present!? Where's the big chocolate birthday cake!? I want to throw it in everyone's face!!!

_ Calm Killer! First of all I have this gift to give you!

_ Killer! Do you know what day today is?

_ My birthday?

_ Yep! But not only that, today is also called Maid day in Japan!!

_ Maid day?

_ That is the day when we will dress and act like a maid!

Killer thought for a moment, then began to understand. No wonder he has twice as many fanarts wearing maid clothes than others, especially on his birthday. Heh, Japanese people have a lot of weird holidays~

_ So... does that have anything to do with me?

As if waiting for that question, Dust approached Killer, grabbed Killer's shoulder, and smiled mischievously:

_ Of course there is~ Right Horror?

Killer tilted his head confusedly at Dust, then turned to Horror to see him smiling brightly holding up a maid outfit. It wasn't until this moment that Killer realized, he was already caught in the damn trap of those two!!

_ No!!! You bastard, let me go!!

_ Hey! We're fucking helping you do it right to that Japanese date! Don't move it anymore, stay still you b*tch!!!

_ What the fuck does Japanese day have to do with Undertale AU???

_ Well... it's your birthday!

_ It still has nothing to do with it, you idiot!! Let me go now!!!

Killer shouted for help but it was too late, when Nightmare went down to ask the three of them what was so noisy, the image in front of him was only Killer helplessly dressed as a maid and tied to a chair, looking at Nightmare with a pleading eyes. Nightmare had absolutely no idea what was going on, and it wasn't until he looked at Dust and Horror laughing over there that he figured it out.

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