little octopus

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Yeah, I posted this fic a few days ago but immediately removed it! Well, I have a habit of writing fanfics around 12pm so... I'm too sleepy so I accidentally pressed the wrong button, sorry .___.


Bad guy has a lot of strict rules set by Nightmare - the leader of the group, and as a member of the group, Dust, Horror and Killer always... do not follow those rules, of course the person who breaks the most rules and is also the first to break the rules is none other than Killer, even  The "no pets in the house" rule was also broken by him by keeping 2 cats. They're the bad guys anyway, breaking the rules already in their bones, Nightmare can only wonder why he's going to set the rules and make a bunch of idiots follow them! Of course, Killer having cats isn't too much of a problem, it's even better that Killer has been a bit less destructive since raising them.  Nightmare thought maybe it wouldn't be bad to let Killer have other pets, but he was wrong!  Extremely wrong!!

It all started when a strange box appeared at their door, inside the box there was nothing but a weird little pink octopus holding a sign that said "please take care of me". Originally they were planning to cook it up but then Killer stopped it and he said he wanted to raise it, of course Nightmare was a little bit disagreeable at first but because Killer kept asking to take care of it, Nightmare eventually  had to agree, because if Killer doesn't get what he wants, no one will be safe for the rest of the month. But now that he thought about it, he shouldn't have let him feed that damn pink thing and accept being bothered for a month.

Ever since that octopus appeared, Killer and he were no longer as close as they used to be. Except when they were going to destroy the AUs, other times he was never alone with Killer because every time he got close to him the octopus found an excuse to get Killer away from him. Typically as:

_ Killer! Are you free? If yes then come with me, I want to ask you something about the plan for tomorrow!

_ Oh yeah, of course ye...

Killer didn't finish his sentence when the octopus on his head cried out to go out with him, although he put it down and told it to go out with it later, it refused and kept holding his hand. He could only sigh, turning to deny Nightmare:

_ Sorry Night, you must have found someone else!

_ But... you just agreed!!

_ Yeah, but now i have to go out with the little octopus so... see you soon!

Killer waved goodbye to Nightmare and turned to leave, leaving Nightmare standing there helpless. And yet there, as soon as Killer turned away, that octopus turned back look at Nightmare and... "ble"

_ What the... Ugh!!!

_ What's up Night? Why are you standing here?

Dust walked over with a cup of coffee and stood beside Nightmare.

_ Did you see that!!  That octopus, it just "ble" at me!!!

_ Hm... I see it as waving to us!?

Hearing that, Nightmare turned to look and it is true, that octopus was waving at them. Dust drank coffee while waving at the little octopus, turned to ask about today's work but when he saw the "extremely uncomfortable" face and atmosphere around Nightmare, he decided to leave this place quickly.

Ugh, that damn little shit pink !!!  Time and time again that thing tried to keep Killer away from Nightmare, he must do something about it now. But he can't touch Killer's pets, he clearly remembers the last time he touched Killer's cats, hit them "lightly" to make Killer obey him, as a result he had to search for him for 3 months. Since then Nightmare didn't dare to touch Killer's two cats or any of his pets anymore, the cats were fine, but this octopus, he had to get rid this b*tch at any cost!!

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