In date, In love?

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“How do I look?”

Freen stands in front of her friends. She is fixing her clothes.

She has been pacing back and forth for the thousandth times if Irin would count it.

“Nervous,” Love bluntly says.

“I am talking about physically, not that, you think I don’t know that I look nervous?” Freen retorts.

Her nervousness is making her sound that she is ready to fight Love.

“Dude, did you smoke the weed I have inside my pot? You look high in nervousness,” Milk remarks.

“We just addressed that, nervousness thing,” Love mocks Milk.

Freen is really nervous about today.

Because today is the day that Becky and she will go out for their first date. Honestly, it is not only their first date. It is also Freen’s first date ever.

She has not dated anyone since she was ten.

All she does are one-night stands.

Commitment isn’t really her thing.

“Look, Freen, you have nothing to be nervous about, you already have a baby on the way, nothing you’d do that will change that, in the end of the day she will still have no choice than to be with you,”

Noey says putting her arm around her best friend’s shoulder.

“Yeah, that is kind of cool, having her pregnant so she’d have no choice than to be with you, I never thought you’re a smart one,” Irin mocks.

They are teasing Freen. This is something new for her really.

“Yeah that helps a lot,” Freen rolls her eyes.

“Maybe she is nervous because she wants to run away really, well, I still am willing to help you with your exodus!” Milk says.

“Can someone please punch her in the face,” Freen says.

Everyone laughs.

“Freen you’ll be fine, we cleaned the house and we are wearing clothes today because of her so, yeah nothing to be worried about,” Love says a little too pissed.

Love is not a real big fan of wearing clothes.

Her friends are so used to her walking around the house naked. Well, they convinced her to wear underwear. So, yeah Love walks around their house like it is a bikini fashion show every day.

“Remind us again why she’s picking you up? Instead of you going to her?” Asks Noey wrapping her arms to Irin.

Her girlfriend nods as a follow up to Freen.

“Is she going to choose who among us will be the God father? Oh, fuck I am outa here,” Milk stands up, and she is about to leave.

Because Love is pissed she pulls her by the hair.

“OUCH!” Milk is to outrage.

“Yah! We kind of talk about getting to know each other and yeah, this came up. She wants to get to know you and see the place where I am living in,” Freen says honestly.

Becky did say that she was curious about Freen’s place.

So, she is picking her date up.

“Dude, she is so possessive, I don’t even know how you’d handle that kind,” Milk comments so concern.

Because she knows Freen hates commitment as much as she does.

Love hits Milk again. She is releasing her frustration to the girl, and again it is still because of her putting clothes on today.

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