In Blissful Fall

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"Representing all the women. Salute, salute!'

Becky Armstrong is wrapped in a towel. She is jamming with the theme song of her life. It is Little Mix's Salute.

She is dancing and having the best morning of her life.

This song represents who Becky is.

She is a very beautiful woman. That many misinterpret as what she only is.

But to their dismay, Becky is more than her pretty face and her sexy demeanor. She is a strong independent career woman. She believes that she can do what men can, and she believes she is equipped in standing for herself.

Especially, right now, that all her hard work had finally paid off. She just got promoted to become a celebrity side reporter in IDF. For the show JJ Project.

JJ project is a show hosted by Billy and Seng who loves gossiping about the celebrity's lives. Becky works for them as a producer before but IDF thought that she'll be good on screen.

Becky looks at herself in the mirror and put her lipstick on. She smiles at herself.

Determine that she can slay this day like every other day!

She walks out of her pad. Technically, her sister's backyard house.

Although she very much believes that she is empowered and independent she still stays in the backyard of her sister's house. Well, it is very convenient for her and her older sister, Charlotte.

Becky does not pay a rent nor an electricity, water, and internet bill, even food. And what else is better than that?

It is convenient for Charlotte because, whenever she wants to forget her frustration, vexation, and annoyance to her wife of six years, Engfa Waraha. Becky is her escape.

It is kind of a WIN - WIN situation.

Charlotte is only 22 years old but she had been married for six years with Engfa who is basically the same age as her. They were in a relationship for a year when Engfa got Charlotte pregnant.

And they live .... Like this...

"Sam stops chasing your sister, will you!" Charlotte scolds her first born.

"But she threw food to me! She needs to be punished," reasons out Sam.

She is catching her breath because of her baby sister, Mon is such a runner.

"Punished?! Where did you hear that, you are only six my princess," Engfa playfully scolds her daughter.

She catches Sam and carries her. She then starts to tickle Sam.

Sam giggles and her annoyance to Mon flew away.

"Did you hear punished in school?" asks Engfa before nuzzling on Sam's neck.

Mon stops from running, she goes near her Daddy Fa so she will get the same Lovin'.

Charlotte rolls her eyes. She feels that Fa is not taking disciplining their child in a serious manner. Engfa sees that but she did not care about it.

"No, I heard it when Aunt Becky and mommy watched fifty shades of Grey, I also heard submissive and dominant and, saw the boo boos, of the girl and also the tushy of the guy," Sam explains in a giggle.

Boo Boos stands for boobs and Tushy stands for a butt.

Charlotte and Engfa are surprised hearing their daughter talks about fifty shades of Grey.

"Boo boos," Mon repeats and laughs.

"Boo boos and tushy?" Engfa raises a brow to Charlotte.

Charlotte opens her mouth about to say something.

Accidentally pregnant[Freenbecky]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя