𝑃𝑎𝑟𝑡 4

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It has been 4 days since our kiss and I'm now getting ready for school. I put on beige cargos with a long sleeve black and white shirt.

I was now at school sitting on my chair waiting for the teacher to come. As the whole class was waiting Tom came in late like always. He sat next to me without saying a word, like we didn't kiss. I tried talking to him "Hey Tom" there was no answer. I thought he was ignoring me, but I brushed the thought when the teacher came in.

The bell rang and everyone left the classroom I went to find Bill so I could talk to him. I was walking in the hall when I bumped into someone. It was Bill. I pulled him by his wrist into a corner. "Bill I wanted to talk to you about Tom" I said "What about him?" He asked now curious "One day he is sweet to me and another he keeps ignoring me" "Yeah..I'm not the person to talk about this" he said and ran away. I knew that he knew something and I was going to find out.

It was now the end of school I went home and laid on my bed scrolling on my phone till someone messaged me. It was my best friend Hannah.

"Heyy girl I wanted to ask you if you want to go to a club"

"Sure why not at what time?"

"Be ready at 8 pm I'll pick you up"

It was now 4 pm so I kept laying in bed till I fell asleep. I woke up at 6:30 pm and started getting ready. I did my makeup and changed into better clothes.

It was now 7:50 and I was waiting outside my house for my best friend. Eventually she came and we drove off to the club. We were sitting at the bar waiting for our shots. We drank all of them and our heads were going crazy. We started dancing to the rhythm when I spotted some familiar figure..I was Tom and he was...kissing another girl. Before I could even realise tears were running down my cheeks my eyes getting red as I ran out of the club and was now sitting on the road. I hugged myself still crying thinking why he would do this. As I was sitting I heard a voice behind me, but was too tired to even turn around. The person sat next to me "I saw you run out and considered it was, because you saw Tom" It was Bill "And why do you think it's because of Tom" I asked annoyed "Asi don't play dumb you told me you like him" "Why do you even care if I do or not" I asked now angry. "Look I'm sorry I didn't tell you when you asked about Tom I didn't want to hurt your feelings you know he's a dick and still fell for his shit" Bill said trying to encourage me. "Bill it's not about him being a dick it's about that he kissed me and he's making ou- I was cut off by Tom running to us. "Look who's here" I said without looking at him. "I'll leave you guys alone" Bill said storming off. It was now me and Tom alone. It was quite and it made me furious so I got up to leave, but he pulled me by my wrist to sit back down. "Look Asi..I'm really sorry about what you saw, I didn't mean to hurt you, but after our kiss I was scared that I'll make you one my bitches then fuck you and leave. I was scared I didn't want that to happen and I came here to clear my mind and get drunk then there was this girl and I thought that maybe I could forget about our kiss with her, I'm really sorry please forgive me." he said tears running down his cheeks. I was indeed angry, but to see him cry that wasn't gonna make me hate him more. I hugged him tightly brushing his tears off. After that we went to my house.

I was changing into my pijamas when I heard Tom's voice. "You are so beautiful" he said quietly making me smile I turned around so I could change. I went to the bathroom to wash my makeup. I got out and laid in bed next to Tom. I turned around now my back facing him I closed my eyes, but opened them when I felt Tom's arms around my waist. 'Was I getting butterflies' I thought to myself. I closed my eyes again this time drifting to sleep.

I woke up still feeling Tom's arms wrapped around me I got out of his grip and went downstairs to make breakfast. I was making some pancakes and a fruit salad. As I was making the pancakes I felt some arms wrap around me I looked down and saw how veiny they were and smiled to myself. I made some coffee too and putted them on the table we sat down to eat.

We were done eating and I washed the dishes then sat next to Tom on the couch we talked until his phone rang he got up to get the call. He came back in "I have to go Bill called me and said we had to practice for our new song" "Okay call me after" I said smilling. We were at the door I kissed him on the cheek and said goodbye.


This is even shorter than my usuals, but my brother is comming over so I can't write much I may update latet again. Hope you liked the chapter love you. 968 words

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