𝑃𝑎𝑟𝑡 10

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I woke up to the sun rising in my face. I looked around and saw Tom and Bill still sleeping. I looked at the time and saw it was 5:47 am. I got up and went to brush my teeth. I feel like going on a walk. I went to my closet and picked some sweatpants, a crop top and one of Tom's zip up hoodies.

I was already outside. I listened to music trying to find a store nearby.

I found one and went in. I decided to buy some snacks for the boys too so they don't steal mine. I got them some chips, skittles, chocolate etc. I just got myself waffles, oh how I love them. I could eat waffles my entire life.

I went to pay and asked for cigarettes too.

"Aren't you too little to be smoking?" The cashier asked.

"No? And why is it your business" I slipped out.

He just scoffed and gave me the cigarettes. Wtf is his problem. I mean I know he is tired of fucking kids buying like 5 packs of cigarettes a day, but I'm not a kid. I've never been one I've never had a childhood to be one. I brushed the thought off and headed back to the hotel.

I quietly got in and closed the door. As I was heading to the kitchen I tripped on something and made an ass loud noice. 'Shit' I thought.

"Be fucking quite" I heard Tom scoff.

Bill was still sleeping he is a sleepy head. Or the sleeping beauty.

"I'm sorry" I apologised.

I was setting the snacks down as I felt arms wrap around me.

"I'm sorry for yelling" Tom said in his sleepy voice god damn it I love his voice.

I decided to play with him.

I kept quiet. Until he spoke again.

"Don't give me the silent treatment, you know I hate it." I knew I just wanted to annoy him. I was quite again.

"Don't fucking give me the silent treatment Astoria" He yelled angrily. It made me flinch a little since I hate being yelled at. I mean even if I'm the one yelling I get scared of myself.

Tom saw that I flinched and his angry face turned into a sad one.

"I'm sorry my love" He spoke in a calming voice.

I saw that Bill was waking up probably, because of the yelling. I went over to him leaving Tom. I was pretending, but he knows I hate being yelled at.

"Good morning sleeping beauty" I said sitting on his bed.

"Why were y'all yelling?" Bill asked.

"Nothing don't worry about it" I replied.

"I'll go to Gustav, Georg and Carlos. Be right back." I said running out the door.

Tom's POV:

"What did you do?" Bill asked me.

"Nothing" I replied.

"Don't lie to me Tom, Astoria is always in a good mood what happened." Bill kept asking.

"Fine I yelled at her accidentally, because she made a loud noice while we were sleeping, you probably didn't hear it, because you sleep deep. I went over to apologise and she gave me the silent treatment then I yelled at her again. I know she hates when people yell at her." I let out a breathe I didn't know I was holding.

"You fuck up every time" Bill said shrugging.

"Shut up" I scoffed flipping him off.

Astoria's POV:

Enemies to lovers |𝑻𝒐𝒎 𝑲𝒂𝒖𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒛Where stories live. Discover now