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Chapter 18

Ash woke at 3:00 a.m. she looked next to her and solo was in the bed next to her with his holographic tablet still on in his lap. She looked up at all the matches most of them were already cashed out and had a green light over them with a red stamp that said complete. She turned the tablet to water keeping her head down because she felt like headed and woozy. She stared at the matches trying to figure out who could be behind the assassination of the Zylorkian King.

Ash looked at all the women he dated beside the one that saved his life there were at least five she wrote down the names of the five women he dated before the one he was about to select prior to his untimely death. And none of the women he dated were selected to marry that meant they were still downstairs in the women's quarters or currently in The Bachelorette Mansion across the island while the ceremonies was going on.

Ash had no idea what she was looking for but thought that she would write it down as it came to her the only problem was every time she set up she felt as though she wanted to throw up. Her pain relieve ran out she placed her head in the back of her head moaning loud causing a light sleeping solo to snatch his glasses off and open his beautiful eyes staring down at her in love and concern. Hey hey solo said staring at her grabbing a glass of water he gently held her head up holding the glass to her mouth she put her hand up signaling she had enough he moved the glass away. How are you feeling Ash?

You almost lost your life I was so afraid that you were going to die grandmother was going to  charter and come but with everything that's been going on I felt it best she stay on Frozen Earth until we can get to the bottom of the king's murder.  now the Ambassador is dead and the woman that saved your life that's three murders we now have to solve since you were knocked out.

Ash shook her head the Ambassador is dead and so is the woman? Yes the Ambassador sub combed to his injuries after the blast prior to you waking and the woman was murdered right across the hall well the guard said she went to get some clothing from the second floor and was killed in transit.

Killed in this house how is it that? The surveillance cameras are not picking up on it Solo something is wrong there has to be multiple scramblers on the planet you have to find them.

I know love but I was not going to leave you unattended while there is a murderer running loose on the planet. You almost left me one time tonight I was not going to risk losing you again. Ash said nothing she was shocked that solo actually revealed his feelings to her. She looked behind his eyes looking for lies there were none detected she smiled unknowingly.

What are you smiling at woman? he whispered removing a kinky curl out of her eyes. You said you didn't love me Solo. I never said I didn't love you I said it is not wise to love you we do not want to anger the goddess there is a difference love.

The dim light glow of scented candles lit the room I said nothing staring in his eyes solo look down a blush filling his blue skin making his cheeks radiant and full of light I love you Ash. The words rolled off his tongue like a heavy weight confession. I'm afraid to love you everyone I love dies first my father then my mother and now I am all alone what if you die too?

Ash grabbed Solo's hand my love we will all die one day the question is when? Life is much longer for us there are vaccines that can extend our lives as long as we want to stay together until our bodies give out. There are surgeries to remove the aging gene if we so choose. There is no need for you to fear, I am alone in this world myself had I not been bought by your grandmother and the Elders of Frozen Earth at such a young age I would have been slaved out or prostituted amongst God knows who on God knows what planet.

Your grandmother in her Divine wisdom bought me from a slaver at the tender age of three she said he charged her an arm and a leg but she used every dime she had. There was something in her that forced her to buy me out. Most of the elders did that when slavers would come through with women or girls or men that could help rebuild black Lumi. Our people have saved a lot of beings from common death I am one of them.

I owe the Elders of black Lumi and your grandmother my life literally. I did not know what planet I was from your grandmother said that I had black lumi within me but there was no proof of it. She said she could look at me and see it there immediately she began to teach me the language of the planet she would tell me stories of black Lumi and how beautiful the sunsets were home.

How the double moon shown bright as two shiny diamond eyes lighting pathways for lovers to take long secret walks on. Grandmother told me of her grandson and how she knew he was not dead but lost intergalactically that one day the goddess would lead him back to her to be the savior of our people.

Grandmother and the elders told all of us children the prophecy that there was a black lumi who married a Nubian black woman of Earth Prime these two would make a child and he would be called King of black lumi. But before he could take his rightful position the asteroid storm happened killing half the planet causing the inhabitants to flee and spread amongst the stars.

Some on this planet some on that and some in a whole another orbit. But the goddess came to your grandmother and told her that she would repair the planet one day and return it to her hands. Our grandmother questioned how she would get the planet back when the planet was inhabitable. There was no life no registration and all the water dried up from the heat of the rocks landing on it. Our elders kept the faith they prayed and fasted begging the ancestors to return them home.

Then one day a Planet Reaper showed they grabbed me saying they were taking me back to a place called exchange world where I would be forced to become a servant to the owner of the planet. The man joked around about how they wanted me and would have me at night when you slumbered then it happened.

One of them mentioned you and said solo does not tolerate violation of women he will kill you for that and it's not a joke or anything to play with. Solo i asked myself?

Grandmother said several times she had a grandson and his name was solo. I could have easily slipped the guards ran off into a forest they had no knowledge of, if they chased me they would have died on the Frozen Earth. There are places we have when the earth freezes over where we could hide overnight and not die places where we store fire making items, blankets, water to secure us in the night until the morning light.

I let them take me solo because I knew it was my journey to Walk.  If we were ever going to get black Lumi back I knew that the answer resided here on Exchange world.

There is one more thing Ash stared in Solo's eyes beginning to dose off the concussion making her sleepy mixed with the sedative. She held his hand laying it on her heart my love you are the offspring of the king and the  Queen of Lumi you are our savior and the true ruler and king of Black Lumi.

My love Ash you are mistaken my father was no King he was simply a merchant. Solo your father was a merchant once he came to exchange world a place your great great grandfather's established for business and pleasure and would come home every night to black lumi to family. When the planet was ravished by the Stones your father and mother escaped here where they had a vacation home raising you on this planet as a normal lumi.

Solo on black Lumi your father was the king your mother the queen your grandfather's and fathers before them Kings and when your time was to come of succession you would have become king of black lumi.

Solo sat up in bed shocked at what he was hearing are you sure Ash? Ash smiled of course I'm sure it's all they tell us in school on Frozen earth when we were children one day the true air to the planet shall return and bring us home our true rulers name is King Solo Lumi sole heir to the throne.

There is paperwork proving it but it was lost on the planet when we lost it. Grandmother is convinced that your mother gave proof to someone off the planet but we do not know who that is. We have been trying to trace her steps go over coms but nothing is working. Solo got up pacing the floor Ash trying to hold on fighting sleep turned to him what are you thinking my love? There may be a way but it would mean you and I need to take a trip to the planet. You mean take a trip to Black Lumi?

I have never been there are you serious she lit up with joy thinking of going home to a planet she heard of all her life but never physically visited. Yes my love secretly you and I must go home.

Ash nodded yes with the help of the Gods we will find what we need solo. Yes my love....with the help of the Gods we shall.

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